g Xi stared at him, and after a while she couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Okay, okay, I’ll give you another chance!”

g Xi stared at him, and after a while she couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Okay, okay, I’ll give you another chance!”

g Xi stared at him, and after a while she couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Okay, okay, I’ll give you another chance!”
Wen Liang slowly came closer and gently brushed the girl’s face with his fingers through the air. Xi’s tightly closed eyelashes were blinking slightly, obviously looking forward to it and a little nervous. It is human nature that separation is better than newlyweds, but how to make two purely rational people gradually become less rational and willing to risk everything for each other is ultimately a process of learning, exploration and adjustment.
Ning Xi waited for a moment, but she still didn’t feel Wen Liang’s movements. Just when she was about to open her eyes, she heard Wen Liang’s deep voice full of pity: “Xiaoyi, you have lost weight, and you have worked hard!”
/Ning Xi’s body Trembling slightly, she pressed her face into his palm, rubbed it comfortably, and whispered: “It’s nothing hard, it’s just that I miss you so much!”
Wen Liang bent his arms to hold her in his arms, and leaned over his forehead. With a gentle kiss, the cold wind blew outside the car, but the inside was as warm as spring.
At three o’clock in the morning, the capital seemed a lot lonely. After entering the city, Wen Liang stretched out and said, “I get so excited when I think about visiting Miss Ning’s boudoir tonight!”
Ning Xi was stunned. Suddenly, his face turned a little pale. Wen Liang instantly realized that he had said the wrong thing and said, “I’m joking, don’t take it seriously, let alone make it difficult. In fact, I originally thought you would have several hidden small houses in the capital.”
Yi Ning Given Xi’s identity, it is certainly impossible for Wen Liang to stay at Ning’s house in such a brazen manner. To be precise, for a long period of time in the future, the relationship between the two cannot be exposed at all, because the consequences of the exposure are unpredictable. Can’t resist either!
“There is no privacy in the capital!” Ning Xi certainly has many places to live in the capital, and some of them even went through several stages before they were transferred to her. But all of this is insignificant to the Ning family, and it may be difficult to transfer it to other places. , but in Sijiucheng, as long as they want to check, there is nothing they can’t find.
Ning Xi couldn’t take any risks, Wen Liang also understood, nodded and said: “I’ll stay in the hotel!”
/“No!” Ning Xi became stubborn in a rare way, but her stubbornness was extremely cute, and said: “I’m here, I can’t let you stay in a hotel alone. It’s not a good place to rest in that kind of place!”
Wen Ling understood her feelings and was not annoyed. She smiled and said, “Okay, you can arrange it for me, but forget it at Lei Fang’s place. I’ll go with you. Mr. Lei has to be vigilant all the time when he is together, and he can’t get enough rest!”
“There is a place.”
Wen Liang got out of the car, looked at the courtyard in front of him, turned his head and said, “Here?”
Ning Xi said. After a phone call

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