ions, one south and one north, so we don’t have to run back and forth.”

ions, one south and one north, so we don’t have to run back and forth.”

ions, one south and one north, so we don’t have to run back and forth.”
Wen Liang knew that he actually wanted to be alone, so he stretched out his index and middle fingers and said, “How many?”
“Test me, two!”
“Wrong, this is ‘YEAH’!”
/Tan Yu raised his eyebrows again Laughing, the taxi stopped, Wen Liang opened the door, still worried, and said: “There is only one request, go home directly, okay?”
Tan Yu made an “OK” gesture and said: “Brother Wen, you are really She’s more nagging than my sister. Don’t worry, I know the severity and won’t be stupid.”
Wen Liang patted his shoulder and stood there, watching the car fly away quickly. Compared with the ending in the previous life, tonight was much better. At least Tan Yu didn’t have to witness that scene with his own eyes, or even be humiliated by the woman he loved in front of him, so that his temperament changed drastically and he was in pain.
There is pain tonight, but this pain is the price that every young man needs to pay for his growth!
After waiting for a while, he stopped another car and drove in the opposite direction. Although the roads were different, the so-called brothers were nothing more than this!
/Entering the city from the suburbs, when passing a movie theater, the ten o’clock show had just ended, and many people came out sporadically. From time to time, men and women would cross the road ignoring the passing vehicles. Taxis stopped and stopped, but they were blocked. On the road.
Wen Liang rolled down the window out of boredom, and suddenly saw someone fighting at the corner. There was a man lying on the ground, holding his head and being beaten so hard that he couldn’t help but beg for mercy.
Through the surrounding lights, he saw the man’s face through the gap, “Zhou Xiaochang?” Wen Liang frowned and said, “Master, stop the car.”
After beating Zhou Xiaochang last summer, Wen Liang asked again Having never met him before, the two people’s worlds began to take completely different trajectories as the schools changed, but they never expected that they would meet again here. The original betrayal and resentment had long since dissipated in the passage of time. Once we met, we couldn’t stand by and watch him being beaten. Wen Liang opened the door and got out of the car. He walked closer and said in a deep voice: “Stop!”
The people who were punching and kicking turned their heads. Wen Liang frowned. He looked familiar, but he didn’t take it to heart. He dismissed Zhou Xiaochang from He pulled himself up from the ground and asked, “Are you okay?”
Zhou Xiaochang was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His head and face were covered with dust, and a few buttons of his clothes were torn off. He raised his head in a daze and was startled when he saw Wen Liang. Then with a face full of shame, he said: “No, it’s okay.”
“Who the hell are you?”
A man stretched out his hand to push Wen Liang, Wen Liang took a step away, and quietly dodged away, saying: “I was just passing by. Yeah, let’s see what kind of fe

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