rist holding the knife. His fingertips suddenly exerted force on the pulse door, and he gently and skillfully snatched the knife away. Then he swung twice in front of him without any order. The sharp long knife just passed by Gu Wenyuan’s handsome face. His feet also flew up at the same time, kicking him hard and impartially. The vital parts of his private parts.

rist holding the knife. His fingertips suddenly exerted force on the pulse door, and he gently and skillfully snatched the knife away. Then he swung twice in front of him without any order. The sharp long knife just passed by Gu Wenyuan’s handsome face. His feet also flew up at the same time, kicking him hard and impartially. The vital parts of his private parts.

A shrill scream, two figures falling backwards respectively, mixed with the flashing light of swords and splashing blood, sketched out a picture of cruel youth, as if all the entanglements in the past and present life were written down. The final stop!
All this happened in a flash of lightning. From an outsider’s perspective, it was Gu Wenyuan who suddenly broke free from Wen Liang’s restraints and stabbed Wen Liang with a knife, clearly intending to kill him. Wen Liang, on the other hand, couldn’t dodge in a hurry, and in the process of falling backward, he somehow kicked Gu Wenyuan, and in turn wounded him with a knife. It was really the smoke coming from the ancestral grave, and he was lucky.
“Young Master Wen, Young Master Wen, are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?”
Liu Tianlai arrived at this time and hurriedly helped Wen Liang up and checked him up and down to avoid any damage. Wen Liang was breathing heavily and looked like he was still in shock. , said: “No, it’s okay, don’t worry.”
/Liu Tianlai breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said angrily: “What the hell are you doing standing there stupidly, handcuff them all, handcuff them!”
A group of police officers also reacted, and they fell to the ground first. Gu Wenyuan stopped the wailing, then handcuffed Bai Huan, Mu Shanshan and others with their hands behind their backs, and escorted them one by one to the police car outside.
“Director Liu, this is impossible to walk. I see that the injury is serious. How should I deal with it?”
Two police officers were trying to pull Gu Wenyuan up from the ground, but the usually aloof Master Gu’s face was covered with blood and he was confused. Crying and screaming, along the eye socket to the corner of the lip, you can see a deep stab wound with flesh and blood turned out, and the body is squirming like maggots. The miserable situation is unbearable to look at.
“Call an ambulance. Even a scumbag should have the rights he deserves!”
Wen Liang glanced at Gu Wenyuan one last time. With one blow and one blow, he first destroyed his face and then cut off his roots. It was far better than killing him. He is more cruel. From now on, this person will become a thing of the past, completely disappearing from his sight, without any value of attention!
When he walked outside the door, Ji Su couldn’t hold it in anymore, tears burst out, and he threw himself into Wen Liang’s arms, hugging his waist tightly, and burst into tears for a while.
/“It’s okay, it’s okay.”
Wen Liang comforted Ji Su softly, but his eyes were looking at the high-hanging Leng Yue through the night. In his previous life, he had thought about how to hit Gu Wenyuan many tim

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