“It’s still the same thing we agreed on before. I just collected 100 million and am going to send it to you tonight, brother.” “

“It’s still the same thing we agreed on before. I just collected 100 million and am going to send it to you tonight, brother.” “

“It’s still the same thing we agreed on before. I just collected 100 million and am going to send it to you tonight, brother.” ”
It’s not urgent. The banks are also closed now.” , you can’t transfer the account, you can’t give me 100 million in cash to take home.”
“The transfer will be fine tomorrow, I’m thinking of signing the agreement tonight.”
“Haha, I haven’t been in Guanshan for a long time, Brother Lei’s legal awareness I’m much more rigorous than before! How about I go back to Guanshan the day after tomorrow and let’s meet again then?”
Lei Fang was originally afraid of long nights and dreams, but after thinking about the news he heard from Zhu Zixuan, he wasn’t afraid of Wen Liang going back on his word. , smiled and said: “That’s okay, brother, go and get busy, see you the day after tomorrow!”
After hanging up the phone, Wen Liang shook his head, he was so anxious that he was really not afraid of burning his mouth. When they arrived at Xiyuan, Chang Cheng was already waiting at the door. Wen Liang asked, “Is Director Liu here?” “I
just called. He is on his way here. He will be there in four or five minutes.”
Wen Liang nodded . He nodded, entered the room and closed his eyes to rest for a while. As he was planning his actions tonight, Liu Tianlai walked in under the guidance of Chang Cheng.
“Young Master Wen, Secretary Xu called me at the last minute, so I was delayed for a while.” Liu Tianlai didn’t know whether it was because he had been working at the grassroots level more recently, and his face, which was not fair in the first place, looked a bit darker. However, he was successful in his official career, his work went smoothly, and he gained more and more authority and status in Qingzhou. His overall energy and spirit changed a lot. To put it in a layman’s terms, his hall was bright and his luck was excellent!
Wen Liang pointed to the sofa next to him and said, “Sit down. Have you arranged everything?”
/Liu Tianlai sat sideways and said, “Everything has been arranged. All the exits around the Bishui Bay Underground Casino are occupied. Waiting, a few more police officers were sent to pretend to be gamblers to control the situation in the lobby, and two female police officers took over as waiters in the VIP room tonight. Once the target person entered the game, wait for the signal to take action in the VIP room. We must catch him personally and get the stolen goods.”
“Well,” Wen Liang didn’t ask any more questions. Liu Tianlai was a professional in this kind of thing. He said there would be no mistakes, so there would be no mistakes. “Who is responsible over there?”
“Geng Chao, you know Mr. Wen,” Liu Tianlai carefully examined Wen Liang’s face and said, “Actually, it’s better for me to personally act to stabilize the situation. If I rush over now, it should be too late.”
Wen Liang waved his hand. He smiled and said: “You are also a senior leader at the department level after all. There is no need to do everything personally. Just leave some minor matters to Director Geng.

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