he falcon from a very young age. It usually takes three to four years to train a falcon, and the entire domestication process can only be completed by one person. Only in this way can there be full trust between birds and humans.

he falcon from a very young age. It usually takes three to four years to train a falcon, and the entire domestication process can only be completed by one person. Only in this way can there be full trust between birds and humans.

he falcon from a very young age. It usually takes three to four years to train a falcon, and the entire domestication process can only be completed by one person. Only in this way can there be full trust between birds and humans.
Han Xuan also has an eagle at home, and it is a mighty golden eagle.
That guy was in a free-range state. When Han Xuan came home last time, he tried to let it catch prey, but in the end it was eaten by it. In short, the relationship was still not good enough. He only stayed for a short period of time every time he came home. I haven’t even seen it a few times, so it’s not familiar to me.
The phone rang, and I took out my cell phone from my down jacket pocket. I saw Grandpa written on it. After getting through, I asked, “What? The situation in Mongolia is okay. I plan to go back in the next two days.”
“I’m not telling you this. Something happened in Indonesia. I don’t know the details yet, but it seems serious. I just received news from a friend that the Su family and the military, represented by Lieutenant General Prabowo, Suharto’s son-in-law and commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Force, Some people within the Party shot and killed several college students protesting yesterday, provoking a dispute between the locals and the Chinese. Now there are riots in Jakarta, and many Chinese have just been killed. Do you know how the top brass of major airlines react to Right? Please ask them to send a plane to the rescue. All the expenses will be paid to me.”
/Perhaps it was because what his friend told him was too shocking. When the old man said this, his tone was very wrong.
For thousands of years, the Chinese have been a moderate nation that yearns for peace and aloof from the world. It is hard to imagine that they would encounter such a tragedy in Indonesia today.
Han Xuan on the other end of the phone was also stunned.
In his previous life, the Indonesian riots occurred in May, so they were also called the “Black May Riots.” In the future, when he saw the shocking pictures of the tragedy scene, it would make people unable to eat. He deliberately browsed the title and remembered it deeply. .
In this life, because of my own arrival, the chronological order of many things has changed. Recently, I have been too busy in Mongolia, isolated from the outside world, and have no sources of information, so I have not noticed it, and I am not sure whether this matter will really happen like it did in the previous life. .
The sudden tragedy made Han Xuan unable to believe his ears at this moment. All the bloody scenes that he had not dared to see now came to his mind.
/I took a breath and told the old man: “I understand, it would be more appropriate for the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) to come forward to release the news. I will contact the director personally. It’s just that the time difference is different. I’m not sure if I can find someone. I believe I can get Clinton.” With the president’s permission, he should be willing to help. After all, it involves humanitarian r

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