blic security bureau, his real power was greater than that of the captain of the provincial criminal investigation bureau. He agreed without hesitation: “Yes!” “

blic security bureau, his real power was greater than that of the captain of the provincial criminal investigation bureau. He agreed without hesitation: “Yes!” “

blic security bureau, his real power was greater than that of the captain of the provincial criminal investigation bureau. He agreed without hesitation: “Yes!” ”
/He was serious and formal.
Everything that can be thought of has been thought of, and everything is arranged in every detail. It is obvious at a glance that he has experience in organizing and investigating major and important cases.
The criminal investigation chief is only responsible for criminal cases and is not very good at investigating economic cases.
The provincial department has an economic investigation corps, but most of them are academics who sit in offices and their experience in handling cases is really not as good as those at the grassroots level.
Captain Du suddenly discovered that his superiors had made the right move by recruiting him. He might not be able to crack such a tough nut with someone else. But having said that, economic criminals are different from general suspects in criminal cases. They have economic base, a certain level of education, and even a high level of education. It is more difficult to catch them than ordinary suspects.
What’s more, they are very likely to have left the country. If that happens, no matter how capable the person in front of him is, he can only end miserably.
Master Wu, the driver of the Provincial Party Committee’s small car class, was asked to rest in the Labor Hotel, and the Fengyi County Public Security Bureau arranged for a policeman to drive.
It’s not that I’m showing off and I need a full-time driver, but I’m not familiar with the road conditions and don’t know where to go. And we have to fight a tough battle next. If the case is not solved, don’t expect to have a peaceful sleep. The time in the car is rest time.
The Labor Hotel is not far from the government guest house. I squinted in the car for a while and then arrived.
There were police officers on duty at the gate, and the provincial party committee’s cars passed unimpeded, all the way to the VIP guests downstairs.
Deputy Secretary-General Xing did not rest and was talking to the county party secretary of Fengyi. Han Bo waited at the door for more than ten minutes. The county party secretary came out with a solemn expression and unsteady steps. You can imagine how stressed he was at this moment.
“Xiao Han is here, come in, come in and say.”
Deputy Secretary-General Xing is in his early fifties. He once served as the secretary of the municipal party committee of a prefecture-level city. He has a Chinese character and an upright look. He went to the Provincial Political and Legal Committee last time I met him once in the canteen of the provincial party committee during the special preparation period. Han Bo stood at attention and saluted.
“Sit down, sit down and talk.”
“Secretary-general Xing, I called Director Xie when I entered the city. He said you were busy, so I went to the Labor Hotel first and met with Team Du and Deputy Director Cui of the Municipal Bureau. In this regard, in accordance

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