otos in the office. None.”

otos in the office. None.”

otos in the office. None.”
“That’s what I thought too. I’ve contacted the photo studio, and there’s money to be made, and the bosses are very active.”
“Old Chen, since it’s a service, it must look like a service. How much should you charge for the production cost? Don’t turn a good thing into a bad thing, and end up with people stabbing each other in the back.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t charge excessively. We have a big move next, so there’s no need to make people angry over a small amount of money.”
/“Okay, fine. Okay, you proceed as planned.”
“Han Bo, are you okay? They’ve all finished the bombing and are waiting for you!”
“Okay, okay.”
Mr. Han was also a little anxious waiting and hurriedly ordered “Ma Chuan Target”. The head of the family took the lead, waving a “crackling” torch, rushed into the private plot and shouted: “On the first half of the first month, fried sesame skewers, eighteen ears weighing half a catty, grandpa said it, grandma looked, Grandma said that Grandpa was
afraid that his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law’s sister would not understand, so he sang ancient songs in Sigang Mandarin.
Li Xiaolei, Li Xiaohui and Han Fang laughed so hard that they all rushed to shout: “Han Bo, it’s your turn, why do you just dance and not sing?”
“Xiao Bo, don’t be embarrassed, you didn’t like fried sesame skewers the most when you were a child. Yeah!”
Just sing, every man in Sigang is shouting this tonight, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Han Bo waved a fire ring and shouted: “The lanterns are bright, the torches are red, and on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, we will fry the sesame bugs! The fields and fields are all blown up, and the pests will be gone without a trace!”
“On the first half of the first lunar month, we will fry sesame skewers; others Their vegetables are as big as copper coins. My vegetables are as big as baskets; other people’s vegetables are rotten, and my vegetables are sold!” As soon as his
son spoke, Mr. Han became more energetic, and the two father and son sang together in the field.
Looking around, there were torches all around. I had never seen such an interesting scene. Li Xiaolei and Li Xiaohui clapped and cheered like children, and actually started shouting together.
Mr. Han, the head of the family, held a torch according to traditional customs, shining all over the fields and lighting up the weeds on the banks of the fields.
Han Bo returned to the ridge of the field, panting and laughing: “My grandfather told me when he was alive that when frying sesame skewers every year, you need to look at the intensity of the fire and the color of the fire. A raging fire means a prosperous year and a good harvest; a white fire means this is the year of water. , the red color indicates the year of drought, which is very strange, and it seems a bit witchcraft when you think about it.”
Li Xiaolei asked curiously: “When did this custom of the Torch Festival in Si Gang be passed down?”
“You really asked the right person. , before I went to college, I

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