ination bombardment could be considered a real power-showing skill. At other times, Zhu Peng was fighting hard from the front. The effect rate of this huge demon spirit is far from the power Zhu Peng wants, and there is really no tacit understanding when working together.

ination bombardment could be considered a real power-showing skill. At other times, Zhu Peng was fighting hard from the front. The effect rate of this huge demon spirit is far from the power Zhu Peng wants, and there is really no tacit understanding when working together.

“As a human being, when wielding a sword, he kills all the people close to him without hesitation. In the process, there is almost no hesitation or intolerance. A ruthless and unintentional existence like you, living in this world I really can’t think of any meaning or life.” Han Ming stood up slightly, but this simple movement consumed most of her energy, and the faint purple fire became thinner and illusory, and It wasn’t that the Zixiao Yan had expired, but that there wasn’t much vitality left in her body for it to burn.
“As a demon god from an outside world, evil came to the world, and he actually opened his mouth to report to mankind: feelings and love, feelings and hearts?” Zhu Peng casually swung the sword in his hand, and asked seemingly confused: “What if I was defeated by you at the beginning. So, will you still sit here and tell me calmly: ‘Feelings and love, feelings and hearts?'”
/Without waiting for Han Ming to answer, Zhu Peng told her with certainty: “No. If I were not strong enough, you would crush me to death like a bug, instead of being with me like you are now. Sit here together and ‘chat’ calmly.”
Slowly walking forward step by step, Zhu Peng slowly raised the sword in his hand and said slowly: “I know that heart and emotion are very precious and warm things. I also know that the edge of the sword is It is cold, but the heart is always warm. I have used warm blood to sharpen the cold edge of the sword for many years. Although the sword is sharp, my heart gradually becomes cold.”
“Hoo, bang, dong.” She Shen’s “hoo” sweep was not a slash, but a side attack. The thick sword back hit Han Ming’s little head heavily, and there was a “bang” sound immediately. , the person was dizzy, and when he touched the solid ground, he made another muffled sound. Only then did Zhu Peng continue to speak: “If I lose the battle or even die, I will lose even the sword in my hand, let alone my heart and emotions. Therefore, I am not afraid of losing my heart and emotions. I still have my sword and my heart.” Desire. The terrible thing is that I lost the sword in my hand, and they lost the love in their hearts.”
“Who’s there?” Zhu Peng suddenly turned around, pointed at his sword and shouted. At the same time, a cold light blue sword light broke through the grass and struck Zhu Peng’s straight sword horizontally. “Choke” Zhu Peng used his Divine Sword to cross his arms, but after a strike with the sword light, he suddenly took more than five steps back. One of them was accumulating strength, and the other was hasty to respond. Zhu Peng was trapped from the beginning. Quite a disadvantageous situation.
Shaking his hands, the electromagnetic light surged up and down, exploding the thin ice on the She Shen Sword, but the cold sword mist had already s

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