ice arrows flew out, hitting and freezing these figures in an instant.

ice arrows flew out, hitting and freezing these figures in an instant.

At the same time, Zhang Jian contacted the Demon-Slaying Lord Wang Yuan and the four Dharma-protecting True Immortals outside the Shenjing City, and asked them to take action to clear out the Yu clan members outside the Shenjing City, and strive not to leave a single member of the Yu family outside.
With the abilities of the four true immortals, it is more than enough to do such a thing.
At this time, in the depths of the sky, the Demon-Slaying True Monarch and the four Dharma-protecting True Immortals have been watching the outcome of the battle from a distance. Seeing Taiwu Jinge leave on his own, they all smiled.
It seems that this matter has been successful.
At this moment, they received another message of soul consciousness from Zhang Jian. The five of them looked at each other. Demon-Slayer True Monarch’s expression remained unchanged, but the other four Protector True Immortals were sincerely sighing.
True Immortal Kanglong couldn’t help but said.
“The Yu family is not bad among the ancient sage kings, but I never thought that they would be defeated at the hands of the Dongzhou Zhang family!”
Bai Qiu Zhenxian on the side also said.
“After solving the Yuan clan, we and Tongshan Taoism have solved a serious problem. The Yu clan fell down and Dongzhou was full. With this knowledge, the Dongzhou Zhang clan will grow up quickly. It won’t be long before they can become the southeastern part of the Tongshan Taoism.” The sea-fixing needle on one side!”
There was also a smile on the corner of the Baiqiu True Immortal’s mouth.
He is different from the other three True Immortals of the Dharma Protector. He was born in the Demon Slayer Peak lineage, and his relationship with the Dongzhou Zhang family is closer.
His true body is the spirit of the innate Gengjin, a member of the mythical beast winged white tiger clan.
He is the leader of the White Tiger clan of this generation.
He has long heard that there is also a member of the White Tiger clan in Dongzhou who serves as the guardian beast and ranks among the four guardian spirits.
I am naturally closer to Zhang Jian.
The other two alien true immortals nodded.
The more powerful the Emperor of Dongzhou is, the greater the chance of success of the great things planned by Kiriyama Taoism, which is a good thing.
Demon-Slaying True Lord said at this time.
/“I would also like to ask all the guardian elders to work together to complete this matter. If this is accomplished, I will definitely thank you greatly from the Demon Slayer Peak lineage!”
Hearing this, the four foreign true immortals nodded slightly. For them, this was just a trivial matter.
/At that moment, the four immortals turned into streams of light and flew in all directions.
Demon-Slaying True Lord Rule after lowering his true form to communicate with Zhang Jian, immediately used secret methods to inform Tongshan Taoism and the traditional allies of the Demon-Slaying lineage.
With the power of the Dongzhou Zhang family, it i

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