with his life.

with his life.

Zhu Peng activated his qi and blood and circulated his energy, and the instantaneous acceleration pushed out was very fast. He held the insect knife and galloped to the hidden hiding place of the dazed prey in almost less than the blink of an eye.
Then, the bloody bug reacted. It was not frightened by the surprise attack, but only howled and showed bloodlust and violence as it came forward.
It’s just that Zhu Peng’s self-suggestive words just now obviously had an effect.
Faced with the expected counterattack by the insect beast, Zhu Peng, who had not experienced life and death for more than ten years, actually did not blink an eye. He leaped hard with his feet, and the foot knife hidden behind his left hand was revealed in an instant. Because of Zhu Peng’s strange way of hiding the knife just now, when Zhu Peng and the insect beast came face to face, the insect beast opened its eyes wide and discovered the insect knife leg hidden in Zhu Peng’s hand.
It’s just that at this time, it’s too late to change your moves to dodge. A person who is approaching with a knife and a person who is approaching with bare hands are two completely different concepts.
“Pfft” was indeed the expected boldness and swiftness. Facing the slender neck of the insect beast, Zhu Peng passed by him almost in an instant. When the big head slowly fell to the ground, Zhu Peng had already He took long strides and rushed towards the vitality in his goal. Feeling the burning pain of the two wounds on his chest, the aggressive blood hidden in Zhu Peng’s body was stimulated bit by bit. He ran with big strides. The blood in his body was boiling, but Zhu Peng’s heart was as cold as water. Generally calm, Zhu Peng could hardly help but feel proud and happy when he recalled the neatness and boldness of the knife just now.
/“There is indeed an almost innate murderous intention hidden in my heart. My father is indeed right. Everyone in our clan who has the qualifications to practice has a violent and aggressive desire hidden in their blood. It has not been experienced for more than ten years. I was fighting and fighting, but I was able to enter the fighting state so quickly. In addition to my own calmness, I have to say that my blood tribe does have a fighting instinct that is almost natural.”
The wind whistled in his ears. Due to running too fast, Zhu Peng could feel the resistance and thickness of the air around him. At this moment, there was not much time for him to think randomly, “Turn left, turn left, and then this is the right Turn.”
The surrounding insect beasts have already reacted and started to kill them. Zhu Peng’s left, right, front, and even above his head and underground could rush out to kill ferocious insect beasts at any time. Then, as long as they entangled him for a short time, they could slow him down. Slowly dragging towards the abyss of death.
Zhu Peng could not and did not dare to pause for a moment. Even if an insect beast jumped down from the floor-to-ceiling window above his head, even if the sharp insect arm

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