hat golden divine light possesses an unparalleled and magnificent power, which seems to be able to tear the sky apart.

hat golden divine light possesses an unparalleled and magnificent power, which seems to be able to tear the sky apart.

The incense and fire energy contained inside is magnificent.
A golden incense kingdom is equivalent to 100 million flawless incense.
At this time, he sensed the vast golden light of flawless incense rushing in the two world pools, and the expression of ‘Qingxia Daojun’ couldn’t help but reveal a smile.
This sacrifice had made her wait for tens of thousands of years.
After experiencing the days of spending a lot of money, she was very uncomfortable with these years of limited income.
Incense Every advancement of the gods is inseparable from a large amount of incense.
Whether it is increasing one’s Taoism, tempering the golden body of incense, or practicing incense magic, or even condensing various incense artifacts.
The more incense, the better.
The more incense, the faster the strength grows.
Especially high quality flawless incense.
With enough numbers, she would soon be able to go one step further and even catch up with the main body.
At this time, in her incense realm, the number of incense kingdoms filled with the golden light of incense exceeded one hundred in an instant.
That is tens of billions of flawless incense.
Since Zhang Jian achieved divine status, the amount of incense provided to her has increased.
‘Qingxia Daojun’ can clearly sense that the stronger Zhang Jian is, the more benefits she can get.
‘Qingxia Daojun’ hopes that Zhang Jian can become a Daojun one day.
Sacrifice as Tao Lord will definitely help her even more.
Soon the second hundred incense kingdoms in her incense realm were filled.
Then came the third hundred, the fourth hundred, the fifth hundred, and even the sixth hundred incense kingdom took shape.
A total of 60 billion flawless incense, which is an extremely astonishing number.
‘Qingxia Daojun’ never thought that the scale of Zhang Jian’s sacrifices would reach this scale.
But for ‘Qingxia Daojun’, she is not afraid that the scale of the sacrifice is too big now.
On the contrary, the more flawless incense, the better.
The green Dao realm around her is like a giant mouth slowly compacting 60 billion flawless incense. Some of it is turned into incense bricks and stored, while the other part is directly integrated into the green Dao realm to help her complete the incense path.
At the same time, ‘Qingxia Daojun’ fixed his eyes tightly on the depths of the Two Realms Pond.
Next comes the main event.
In her eyes, the nine-color water in the two world pools began to stir again, and a series of innate dao patterns appeared in the nine-color water, causing all kinds of strange signs to appear in the sky.
Auspicious clouds and auspicious energy emerged from it, and the many laws of heaven and earth on the sky resonated.
/Eternity, black ice, ice soul, ice and snow, etc.
Countless snowflakes emerged from the depths of the huge fairyland, bringing with them the power of ice to freeze everything.
‘Qingxia Daojun’ has already made some guesses about the

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