e. Chaofan beside him did not hesitate, and his body was instantly wrapped in ‘Super Armor’ , and then slapped it with a palm.

e. Chaofan beside him did not hesitate, and his body was instantly wrapped in ‘Super Armor’ , and then slapped it with a palm.

As soon as Mrs. Meredith’s body flew over, she was struck by an extraordinary palm, and then there was the sound of bones breaking in Mrs. Meredith’s body.
Chaofan did this because he was worried that David would take this opportunity to take action.
They have four extraordinary people here. David can appear here. The two extraordinary people in the hall must have been poisoned. Now the two extraordinary people can only protect the safety of General Longfellow. As for the others, they don’t care at all. .
/But David didn’t take this opportunity to take action, he just watched Mrs. Meredith being knocked away, his face full of ridicule.
“General Longfellow, because of the conflict between us, you actually sent someone to attack my father, which forced me to come and find you!” David had a smile on his face, but his voice was cold.
Mrs. Meredith fell to the ground. She was just an ordinary person. How could she withstand the struggle between David and the extraordinary? She heard David’s words before her life left her body.
Only then did Mrs. Meredith understand why David was here, two tears of regret flowed out, and then her breath disappeared.
At this moment, Major General Angus jumped up on the bed and rushed towards General Longfellow.
This attack is more like suicide, because there are two extraordinary beings, Major General Angus, a soldier who does not even wear exoskeleton armor, let alone kill General Longfellow, even encounter General Longfellow Even the clothes can’t be done.
Major General Angus’s body was knocked away in mid-air by Chaofan on the side. Chaofan showed no mercy at this time. The slightest mistake could lead to the death of General Longfellow.
General Longfellow watched his son and daughter fall to the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He did not explain that he did not do it, which was meaningless.
“Don’t kill me, it’s none of my business!” Luke screamed in fright after seeing two relatives killed in a row.
“It was all caused by you. Your mother and uncle died because of you. How can you beg for mercy!” At this time, General Longfellow finally couldn’t bear it anymore and he shouted loudly.
For such a coward, not only did General Ross and many extraordinary people and generals be killed, but his daughter and son were also implicated.
/If Luke was in the hands of General Longfellow, he would have the idea of ????strangling Luke directly.
“It turns out it was you who caused this!” David couldn’t help but look at Luke in his hand and said.
At this time, David thought of what Luke and Berkeley said at the party, and he understood the reason for everything.
Luke looked at David with horrified eyes, his eyes full of begging, but David slapped his head and smashed it into pieces.
“We are the only ones left here, let’s deal with it completely!” David shook off the blood on his hands and said in a deep voice to General Longfellow.

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