

“Tch, isn’t he just a sect leader? Brother Meng’s goal is to become the leader of the Star Alliance!”
Master Zhang immediately set a target for Wang Meng, which made Wang Meng dumbfounded and said, “Little Fatty Zhang, don’t talk nonsense, the Star Alliance is unfathomable.”
Zhang Xiaopang chuckled twice and did not argue.
Hu Jing had a smile on her face, but she was also worried, “Zhao Xinglun may have bad intentions in giving up the position of sect leader to you this time.”
“It’s half and half, it’s no longer important whether it’s Sect Master Xue’s request or not. In any case, Zhao Xinglun also hopes that the Holy Church will be well. He will always face what needs to be faced.”
Perhaps it was because he had stayed in the Taiyin Sect for a long time and had friendships with a top-level powerhouse like Yu Kunlun that he had indeed developed a sense of confidence in Wang Meng’s movements.
Hu Jing knew that managing the Holy Church was the same as her role as the senior sister of the Nine Halls. Seeking common ground while reserving differences and balance were the kingly principles.
“No matter what, there must be no accidents in this ceremony.” Zhou Qian said.
“Haha, accidents are bound to happen, but we have to be fully prepared to deal with them. Wang Meng, how many people did you find to support the scene? We can’t count on Zhao Xinglun.”
Hu Jing said that although Wang Meng has become the leader of the clan, everyone is still the same, especially Hu Jing. No matter what he becomes, Wang Meng is still the same Wang Meng she knew.
Wang Meng smiled and said, “I have been hanging out for so many years, and I have a few friends. No matter how popular I am, there should be a few who will come.”
/“Hey, I heard that Brother Meng knows all the big shots. Please introduce them to me when the time comes.”
Zhang Xiaopang said with narrowed eyes.
“What are you doing, Zhang Xiaopang, where do you want to go?”
“Meimei, I’m not going anywhere. The temple is a nice place, and there are so many beautiful junior sisters.”
Zhang Xiaopang was a very romantic guy, and Liu Mei turned a blind eye. No matter what, Zhang Xiaopang was still very kind to her.
“After the ceremony, you all need to prepare. I will help you enter Small Consummation in one fell swoop.”
Everyone was shocked again. Hu Jing looked at Wang Meng and said, “With the current resources of the temple, we cannot afford it.”
Wang Meng nodded, “I don’t expect Zhao Xinglun either. I have my own way. As you said, the church is facing internal and external troubles. Strength is the last word. You must not only enter Small Perfection, but also cultivate life weapons and weapons as much as possible.” icon.”
Everyone was shocked again. Suo Ming scratched his head and said, “Boss, I’m so stupid for this.”
In fact, other people also lack confidence. Although their talents are good, their talents are much better. They have worked hard to reach more than 40 levels, but at this level, if you look at the Star Alliance, they are outnumbered by everyone.

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