the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is rising day by day, this squadron of forty-nine monks can be regarded as the elite combat force of the superior party.

the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is rising day by day, this squadron of forty-nine monks can be regarded as the elite combat force of the superior party.

Logically speaking, after the Snow Mountain incident is over, in addition to the large-scale minerals in the Snow Wolf Peak Ancient Spiritual Realm, all other good things should be picked up, so Zhu Peng, who is now carrying a lot of treasures, should let this person in front of him He was escorted by only troops and carefully returned to the Blood Soul Ridge. After all, his valuable treasure was not known to anyone. If any news leaked out, even Kunlun and Shushan would be unable to sit still and directly come out to kill people and seize property.
But looking at Zhu Sansan in front of him, thinking about the comparison of strength between the two and the three parties, Zhu Peng did not immediately issue the order to turn around the Blood Soul Ridge. Instead, he frowned and asked: “Where is Taoist Raptor? Didn’t he talk to you? Are you coming together?”
/Speaking of this, Zhu Peng noticed that Zhu Sansan’s expression suddenly changed, as if he suddenly remembered something important, “Uh, sir, what I wanted to report to you just now is that Taoist Raptor did not come with us. He The great elder of the Su family left him at Blood Soul Ridge. He said that the family needs more high-level elites at this time. This is the specific reason. Please take a look.” While speaking, Zhu Sansan took out a sealed Zhu Peng took the leather letter and opened it, but the content inside made Zhu Peng frown slightly and change his expression.
“Xuanming Jiuyou Cave in the Ancient Spiritual Realm, Qinling Ancient Tombs in the Wasteland of the Pre-Qin Dynasty?” After a long while, he waved his palms and asked Zhu Sansan to retreat first. Zhu Peng leaned against the stone wall and pressed his head with both hands, slowly sorting out his confusion. Thinking about it, because he was taking care of Bai Ling, he didn’t sleep. Instead, he dragged his tired body to meditate for most of the day. Although he was mentally tired and uncomfortable now, his body had been relieved a lot due to the meditation, and he was no longer as tired as when he just walked out of Jubao Cave. The kind of pain that makes you want to die.
“Whoa!” A moment after Zhu Sansan walked out of the room, spiritual sand surged. This time Bai Ling, dressed in silvery and soft brocade clothes, leaned directly into Zhu Peng’s arms. Because there were countless things stored in the Shura gourd, Zhu Peng I don’t know if she transformed her silver clothes with iron sand herself, or if she randomly selected them from her own inventory. “What happened to that girl just now? She looked like a tomboy.”
/The relationship between Zhu Peng and Bai Ling changed on Snow Wolf Peak. Before that, Bai Ling not only couldn’t escape from the Shura Gourd, she couldn’t even observe the outside world, so she didn’t know Zhu Sansan at all. She has been Zhu Peng’s deputy for a long time. Of course, she has no idea about Zhu Sansan’s weird

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