

But no matter how Lu Zhang continued to lead him, there were only a few people in the group. Before the inevitable crowd dispersed, more blood evil monks could be seen from a distance, in twos and threes. The land is heading towards Lingfu Island.
So, calmly, Chu Weiyang showed a little bit of his Qi, and then flew towards the sky above the island. When Chu Weiyang’s figure almost stood in the mist, there was also blood and light coming from the spirit. The floating island suddenly stood up, and then Pei Wenli’s figure was revealed.
After not seeing each other for more than a month, Pei Wenli’s face suddenly showed joy, but compared to the previous time, Pei Wenli’s respect was more awe-inspiring than before.
“Servant, welcome the return of the island master!”
On the spot, Chu Weiyang pointed directly at the magnificent scenery to the south of the island and asked directly.
“What’s going on?”
Hearing these words, Pei Wenli raised his head and glanced at Chu Weiyang, and his sense of awe became stronger.
/“Back to the island master, since you went to the cocktail banquet, this is a grand event for the talented Taoist disciple of the human race in the outer sea. Naturally, there are constant news coming from the depths of the outer sea.
At first, it was spread that the island owner had won one after another among the great sects, but later, it was spread that the island owner had seized one of the twelve empty positions!
To be honest, our vision is limited and we cannot guess whether this rumor is true or false. But later, as time went by and corroboration was obtained, it spread like wildfire! It became a hot news!
And it was also from that time that casual cultivators from the surrounding islands and evil cultivators from the Blood Demon Dao who couldn’t stand it were already coming to surrender. It didn’t take long before there were more and more people.
We inquired about it and found out where the island master’s dojo was and what happened in the name of the Huanghua Sect. As a result, the momentum intensified.
Although the servants did not have the right to specialize, at that time, the number of cultivators gathered outside the island was several times that of ours. We were afraid that the Taoist temple would be damaged, so we had no choice but to slowly contain them. ”
Pei Wenli spoke very respectfully. On the spot, Chu Weiyang was even more satisfied and nodded his head one after another.
This is what he wants to see!
This is the tip of the iceberg when Chu Weiyang’s reputation gradually transforms into a rich and profound foundation.
Chu Weiyang had already seen the scene where the turbid evil energy was gathering towards the evil pond.
“It doesn’t matter, you are doing a good job, gather these people as soon as possible. In a few days, there may be even more people who will gather to vote!”
After all, what is being reported now is only what happened during Chu Weiyang’s self-drinking banquet. During the battle on Mirror Island, all cultivators were isolated from inside and outside by t

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