you can’t afford it. If you can give him a sword, he promises not to fight back.

you can’t afford it. If you can give him a sword, he promises not to fight back.

Ask for a hammer and get a hammer.
/Lu Bei slashed it with his sword and watched Jiang He being dragged away by the examiner.
Maybe it was an illusion, but Lu Bei saw the shadow of his senior brother in this guy, guessing that he was the pinnacle figure in a certain field.
What a pity, if it was a girl, he would try his best to deceive the Tao Yun in her body.
“How about trying the Double Mysterious Treasure Map, and once you get the sword intention, you can change your buddy back?”
Lu Bei raised his hand and touched his chin, pondering the feasibility. His body swayed, and the golden light flew straight in front of Jiese.
As before, Jie Se was a disciplined monk who was unwilling to fight against the enemy with more people. Even if the side with more people was at an absolute disadvantage, he just watched and did not take action.
“Amitabha, Donor Lu has astonishing supernatural powers, and his qualifications and understanding are among the best in the world. The young monk is so frightened that it is difficult to say the possibility of victory.” Jie Se said with his eyes closed.
“So, are you going to lie down and let me stab your butt with a sword?”
“No, the young monk is willing to give it a try. Although winning is difficult, it is not impossible at all.”
Jie Se sighed, originally thinking that this battle could be overwhelming and he could win even with some effort. However, seeing Lu Bei easily controlling Dao Yun, Jiang He started to fight, knowing full well that there was no chance of winning this battle.
He came to compete, not to make a grudge. He didn’t want to fight Lu Bei for victory, so he clasped his hands in front of his chest, just waiting for the final blow.
If you succeed, you will make progress; if you fail, you will admit defeat.
“Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum”
After reciting the six-character motto one by one, the scriptures behind the ring light up, and a phantom of the Buddha sits cross-legged on the earth, taller than the sky. The clouds in the secret realm are only on the chest of the Buddha. Under the infinite Buddha light blooming, one can see the face of the Dharma behind the clouds. .
The giant palm covering the sky fell, and the light of the swastika in the palm of the five fingers surged. There was a world hidden in it, and an infinite space was opened up through the passage of mustard seeds. This was the Buddha’s kingdom in the palm.
Lu Bei put his feet on the ground, not hiding or escaping, watching the golden light of Buddha’s palm fall covering the sky, and his body entered the Buddha’s kingdom in an instant.
Lu Bei was suppressed easily, mainly because Lu Bei did not resist the whole process, and the victory came unexpectedly. Jiese frowned and looked at the palm of his hand. When he saw it, a little white light broke through the golden light of the swastika, and the blood line dripped bright red from his palm.
Jie Se was stunned for a long time. After Lu Bei pointed his swo

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