ene stimulation, because Liu Changan used very vivid words, and she still knew something about these aspects. , although she must usually be a pure girl like a delicate flower that is not stained with morning dew.

ene stimulation, because Liu Changan used very vivid words, and she still knew something about these aspects. , although she must usually be a pure girl like a delicate flower that is not stained with morning dew.

“Actually, many people know the character “廻”. The original meaning of this character is to hold something with both hands, and now it is commonly used as “gong”. Many people will think of it as the prefix “剹”, but it is not the case.” Liu Changan thought for a while and decided to tell An Nuan a story. , “When it comes to the prefix “fuck”, it reminds me of Caotou Niang, an acquaintance of mine.”
“Cao Tou Niang? Your acquaintance?” An Nuan really can’t believe that there are still people with such a nickname or title. This must not be a name!
“There is a book called “Three Winds and Ten Evolutions”, which records a lot of interesting things. Among them, the “Sex Huang Volume” records the life story of Cao Tou Niang. You know how many dignitaries you have attracted.”
“I know the Three Winds and Ten Yans, the ten crimes that are caused by the three bad customs, were formulated by Yi Yin. Is your friend named Cao Tou Niang from the Shang Dynasty?” An Nuan said angrily. He actually has a friend whose appearance reverses the appearance of all living beings and looks like a goblin. Even if he knows that he is talking nonsense, it makes An Nuan want to be jealous.
“No, the Three Winds and Ten Evolutions were formulated by Yi Yin, but the “Three Winds and Ten Evolutions” is a book from the Qing Dynasty. If it were a woman from the Shang Dynasty, I might not be able to remember it.” Liu Changan shook his head and continued, “Cao Tou Niang is a descendant of a beggar. She married the Jiang family at first. Her husband died. Then she married Huang San. Huang San died again. At this time, Cao Tou Niang became a little depressed. She simply hired a fake husband. This fake husband He is just a husband in name only to do things for her, do housework and farm work for her, and provide for her life. If he is not satisfied with her at all, he will be driven away and he will find another fake husband. There is an endless stream of applicants. .”
/“Are women in the Qing Dynasty so open-minded?” An Nuan didn’t even care that Liu Changan’s acquaintance was from the Qing Dynasty. There are quite a few such women nowadays, “It turns out that licking dogs has been around since ancient times.”
“Social phenomena at any time have universality and individuality. This is just a special case. Caotou Niang was a rare tall and slightly plump woman at that time. She was good-looking, good at poetry, and good at cooking and seasoning. She was She was quite romantic when she was a child, and she was a famous social butterfly. At that time, if people in the city held various banquets and did not invite Caotou Niang, not many people would be happy. Even the officials, literati and elegant people were all hers. She stayed under the skirt until she was in her fifties and sixties, and some teenagers still pursued her.”
“After Caotou Ni

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