this, he would create his own Great Wilderness. The secret record of the demon.

this, he would create his own Great Wilderness. The secret record of the demon.

Thinking about it this way, maybe the person stepping on her feet is still a senior sister.
Regardless of whether he is a senior sister or not, it is not too late to capture the person first and send him to a small private room to give him a few whips before asking.
The shadow of the magic weapon exploded wildly, black light spread out, and the air waves roared in all directions. In just a few breaths, the white luan bird was suffocated a hundred times, and Xiang Mu Qing returned to the lotus platform with a pale face.
The Great Demon God raised his foot and stepped on the lotus platform, exerting boundless force and pressing down, shattering the shadows of large petals. Thousands of rays of light were soaked and polluted by the demonic energy, and were no longer holy and pure as before.
The lotus platform was damaged and a crack opened. Xiang Muqing had a splitting headache. He put away his magic weapon and used the Qingming sword to defend against the enemy.
Before she could fly into the air, another big butt bag was knocked down. The space blurred, and a vast world suddenly appeared.
With no way to escape, he raised his arms to Mu Qing and slashed at the endless world with his sword, as if he wanted to see through the illusion and tear apart this illusion.
The edge penetrated, the sword light boiled, the terrifying sword light manifested into a huge wave, sweeping the universe, covering the sky and the sun, and there was also an extraordinary sword intention contained in it.
As the terrifying energy swept across, the world was in ups and downs, and it seemed that it might really be cut in half.
The way to break the situation was right in front of him. He gave a shout to Mu Qingjiao and used all his strength to unleash the sword light. Ripples rose up layer by layer, and then
All to nothing.
The Great Demon God raised one hand, holding the sword in his palm and charging towards Xiang Muqing, but he was always trapped in place and unable to move. The two faces of joy and equanimity came one after another, congratulating her on the completion of her merits and virtues with an emptiness and tranquility of mind, and that she would be free from suffering and achieve happiness.
/The silent Buddha’s name spread, and the Great Demon God gathered his five fingers and slowly clasped them together.
boom! boom! boom!
The ground shook. The Taifu sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at the Great Demon God approaching from a distance. His heart thumped as he hurriedly released Zhu Xiushi from the small black room and raised his clear sword to prepare for it.
“What, what’s going on? I won’t be here for a while. Why are you quarreling?”
Zhu Xiushi screamed strangely, and saw the four-phase face of the Great Demon God switching back and forth. It was indescribably weird and terrifying. He stood side by side with the Taifu, holding the colorful stone in one hand and the Wenchong Sword in the other.
Black mist spread al

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