re are traces of Zhu Mingyao’s true world revealed to the world. When he looked again, he even held a broken jade slip from the “Jade Book” of that world in his hand.

re are traces of Zhu Mingyao’s true world revealed to the world. When he looked again, he even held a broken jade slip from the “Jade Book” of that world in his hand.

At first, after Zhu Xiu had an insight into the secrets that might have existed in the ancient era that could dominate the whole world, You thought that this was just a matter between this world and the world.
/But now it seems that the scope of the secret stretches even wider, and now at least three “Jade Books” in the world have been robbed!
Even looking at it this way, although the “Jade Book” of the Sanyuan Ji Zhen Realm has been banned for eternity, it has been preserved because of it. At least Zhu Weiyang witnessed Chu Weiyang’s name on it, which shows that after such a long time, that The function of “Jade Slips” itself is still very stable.
And this also provides a vague insight into the wisdom of the ancient sages in the realm of the Three Yuans, who finally sealed up the firewood of hope and left it to the monks of later generations.
Similarly, in such a flash of emotion, perhaps the consumption that triggered the “Jade Slips” was also very intense. After all, the three divine forms were no longer suppressed by the source of vitality.
Almost instantly, the faces of the three figures emerged one after another from the strange mist and storm.
Especially when Jian Hanzhi’s face also emerged from it, in an instant, some monks who were proficient in divination and easy calculations suddenly followed the changes in aura and gained insight into the essence behind it.
All the causal connections were straightened out by them.
It was exactly when Jian Hanzhi escaped from the sky in the past, trying to find the opportunity to achieve the golden elixir beyond the world to the west of the West, that for some unknown reason, he fell into the hands of the true form of “Uncle Shang” and learned about the Three Yuan Principles. Where the true world is, when everything corresponds to everything recorded in the ancient books, “Uncle Shang” then made a plan.
/This is the reason why the old man and the young man were able to reach here by following a scroll of animal skin.
And in the same way, each soul was refined into Uncle Shang’s divine essence, and his own Dao Fruit was smelted into the prepared Feng Shui terrain early.
After doing all this, “Uncle Shang” is still making more preparations, and now it seems that he is also entangled with Jian Hanzhi’s divine form, and is deeply cultivating and exploring in another field and direction.
But looking at it now, the results of this exploration are not good.
They met a powerful enemy, and in the end they experienced some brutal fighting and disasters. In the end, among the charred corpses, they barely managed to maintain the balance between the three incomplete divine forms in the middle of half-death.
As for “Uncle Shang”, perhaps it is precisely because of his excessive pursuit of perfection that he has separated his own divine energy one after another, and his lack of luck has caused his exploration

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