the disciples”

the disciples”

Liu Fen was so frightened that she hurriedly covered Hu San’s mouth, almost crying: “Madam, please don’t yell. Liu is a pure and innocent little demon. How can he survive after you yell like that?” !”
Uh-huh! xN
Dozens of figures surrounded the corridor, and the bird demons of the Honghu clan were wearing helmets and armor. Seeing the situation in the field, they all looked fierce.
Liu Di covered Hu San’s mouth, his posture was very obscene, and he was very experienced. He let go of Hu San without tears. He wanted to explain but didn’t know where to start.
/The yellow mud falls off the crotch, it is either that or that.
“Why are you so noisy? It’s late at night and you don’t want to sleep. I’m still waiting to go to bed!”
At this moment, Lu Bei, who was facing Kongji, pushed away the birds and saw Fox Three rushing toward him. Without thinking, he slapped him with his backhand.
Why are you, a big brother, using your elder sister’s script? You’re addicted to cross-dressing, right?
The wind from his palm was so strong that Liu Feng vomited blood and flew backwards. He was thrown out of the corridor and smashed into the stone forest, and was crushed by a group of bird demons.
Covered with big birds.JPG
Hu San was staggered by the palm wind, pointed at his chest, and cried out that he had just been molested by the lewd thief. He also said that if he was not given justice today, he would be beaten to death on a pillar.
Lu Bei rolled his eyes and was too lazy to argue with him. He gave an order and asked the birds to press Liu Fen to the main hall for the trial.
The night pearl in the palace is always bright, the white light is bright and gentle.
Lu Bei is sitting on the patriarch’s throne, with a chair on the left and right, his wife Weng Chong and the inverse egg Kong Ci.
Kong Ji and Weng Chong were very close to each other, and Lu Bei was too embarrassed to continue touching his little hand and exchanging a few pleasantries for outsiders to see.
Weng Chong pretended to be confused and treated his ‘husband’ with respect. In the eyes of outsiders, this couple really couldn’t be more genuine.
“Creak, creak, creak”
The sound of teeth grinding came from Ni Dan.
Lu Bei glanced at it out of the corner of his eye and laughed secretly in his heart. Xiaoniao was so naive. Kong Ji would spoil him, but his uncle would not.
Lu Bei clenched his fist and coughed twice, and said to Weng Chong warmly: “You and I are one husband and wife. There is no priority in our status in the family, and the same goes for the seats. Come, sit next to your husband.”
Weng Chong was dumbfounded. The Honghu clan leader’s throne looked spacious. Sitting two people at the same time would be a close and personal experience.
Kong Ci Daxiao stepped forward with a gloomy look as if his father-in-law was still alive: “The seat is so big, and you occupy most of it yourself. My mother is delicate and frail, so it will be bad if you squeeze her.”
“My son’s words are reasonable, but it is because of his father’s lac

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