ve, and rescue my young nephew, then the Chunyu family in Dongling and the entire Tingchang Mountain lineage will naturally want to challenge the Sword Sect. Shanmen, ask this matter clearly!”

ve, and rescue my young nephew, then the Chunyu family in Dongling and the entire Tingchang Mountain lineage will naturally want to challenge the Sword Sect. Shanmen, ask this matter clearly!”

The sound came from far away, and it was as bright as thunder and the wrath of the sky. Immediately afterwards, the earth shook and the mountains shook, more like the continuous violent storm after the flash of thunder!
The next moment, all kinds of shrill screams came one after another, and several pieces of gravel fell. Chu Weiyang’s vision went dark, and it was completely difficult to distinguish the situation outside. Only the roaring roar of thunder, It can still be transmitted from a distance outside the grotto.
“Ha! Even if there is some kind of misunderstanding, there is absolutely no reason to rush into the mountains like this! In order to save your nephew, he crashed into the magic circle and caused the earth dragon to turn over. In just these two actions, I don’t know how many lives were lost! Such behavior, Are you still trying to make sense in front of the gate of my Jianzong Mountain? At the gate of Mrs. Danxia? Fellow Taoist, I’m sorry, I’ll take you down, and let’s talk about the misunderstanding before!”
Immediately afterwards, the cold female voice seemed to be extremely angry, but instead she sneered.
“You can tell me all the good news! Whoever is right will tell you the truth!”
Then, along with the continuous rolling of the earth dragons in the Demon Suppressing Cave, the powerful evil energy accumulated under the mountain’s mineral veins almost burst through the embankment at this moment, following the turmoil of the mountain and spurting toward the sky!
Lying in the pothole, Chu Weiyang felt severe pain transmitting from his limbs almost simultaneously.
The next moment, the young man’s eyes went dark again and he lost consciousness.
In a trance, Chu Weiyang seemed to have had a long dream. In the dream, there were all kinds of strange things. There were mud and rocks growing vigorously along the steel and iron, there was a colorful light absorbing people’s minds, and there were ferocious giant beasts roaring past. , there is silent fire and light penetrating the heaven and earth.
After that, everything disappeared quietly.
There is only long hunger, endless pain, and growing anger!
Chu Weiyang finally woke up from his drowsiness due to the confusing dreams of his past and present lives.
Lying in a pothole, it was peaceful all around.
Without the Huanghuang Taoist sound, there is no more booming landslide.
Raising his hand slightly, the young man tentatively pushed the boulder covering the pothole.
I don’t know if it was because of the gush of evil energy, but the originally hard boulder became brittle. Chu Weiyang only used a little force to lift it up.
/What you see are corpses everywhere.
This time, Chu Weiyang had no emotions at all.
After all, from the day they were taken into this demon-suppressing cave, logically speaking, these people should have been dead long ago, and they we

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