he same time, there was a strange whistling sound coming from the ground, like the sound of a bow string breaking, but louder. In this sound, the whole person seemed to be torn from the middle!

he same time, there was a strange whistling sound coming from the ground, like the sound of a bow string breaking, but louder. In this sound, the whole person seemed to be torn from the middle!

Xu Ying suddenly noticed a strange sword energy coming from the ground, his face changed drastically, he jumped away quickly and shouted: “Anji Qi, come to me!”
An Qi hurriedly swam to his side, and the ground beneath their feet suddenly cracked. Where the crack occurred, there was a strange air flow gushing out from the ground, as if sword energy was spurting from the ground to the sky, forming a sword energy wall that was dozens of miles long. !
The sword energy brushed against the snake’s tail, and he felt a pain in his tail. When he looked back, he saw that his tail had been sharpened a lot, and he burst into tears from the pain. He thought to himself: “The reason why the tip of my tail is a bit blunt is because of convenience.” The power of the Xiangli Niu Demon Fist has been sharpened, so the power of the fist will be greatly reduced.”
This sword energy wall is getting wider and higher, almost level with the two mountains in the sky.
When the sword energy in the crack is completely released, the sword energy wall gradually disappears.
/Xu Ying and Xian Qi were shocked and confused. They looked along the big crack and saw that the crack was extremely smooth, an extremely straight line, and the cross section of the crack was as flat as a mirror!
It seems as if there is really an unparalleled giant, holding a sword holding the sky, splitting the earth!
“This world is probably crazy.” Xian Qi murmured.
Xu Ying came to the crack and looked down, only to see how deep the crack was.
“This crack contains the sword energy of an extremely skilled swordsman. It has been buried deep in the ground for many years and cannot come out. If it hadn’t been for this invasion of the underworld and the collision between the underworld and the land of the sun, the crack would not have been opened.”
Xu Ying sensed the sword energy hidden in the ground, and could still sense some fine sword energy jumping back and forth, clashing and colliding in the cracks thousands of feet deep, and said, “It’s a pity that the sword energy contained in the cracks has been completely dispersed. It is impossible to fully understand the magic of swordsmanship contained in it.”
An Qi was also deeply shocked and said: “This sword is even stronger than Yuan Tiangang’s swordsmanship in Wangxiangtai!”
Xu Ying tried to feel the sword’s intention, but unfortunately the era when the peerless strongman used this sword was too long ago, and as the sword’s energy in the big crack spread out, the sword’s intention contained in the crack was extremely weak.
Suddenly, he noticed that the sword box behind him was shaking slightly, as if something alive was jumping happily in the box.
Not only that, a faint sword energy and sword intent seeped out of the sword box, connecting with his own consciousness!
He was overjoyed. This sword box was Yuan Tiangang’s sword bo

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