l definitely understand my difficulties.”

l definitely understand my difficulties.”

He boarded the fairy boat, and a few drops of tears fell into the wind.
Nan Ziyan immediately set sail, and the fairy boat took off, passed Hunyuan Palace, and flew towards the purple air waterfall that stood between heaven and earth.
The Ziwei Ancestral Court is hidden in this purple energy!
The fairy boat sailed into the thick Purple Qi Waterfall, and various Taoist sounds came one after another, making a loud noise that disturbed the ears and the mind. When they flooded into the mind, even Xu Ying was a little overwhelmed.
Nan Ziyan shouted, and his soul appeared behind him, like an immortal emperor, full of purple energy, extremely noble, his hands formed a seal, and a huge word “zhen” appeared behind him.
This character is composed of Taoist runes, which are extremely profound and have the same effect as the immortal runes.
When Xu Ying saw it, he was filled with admiration and praised: “What a good seal!”
Nanzi said: “Most of the Taoist sounds here are caused by the conflict between the Broken Avenue and the Immortal Dao in ancient times, making it difficult for outsiders to enter. I was taught by the Great Emperor, so I can enter and exit freely. If it were in the past, this Taoist sound would have been stronger. In recent years, Because the great path of the ancestral court has been restored and the immortal way has been suppressed, the influence of the Taoist sound is not that severe.”
As they spoke, they entered Ziwei’s ancestral court.
Xu Ying once imagined that the Ziwei Ancestral Court must be a scene of broken mountains and rivers, with ruins everywhere, devastated and desolate.
However, when he followed Nan Ziyan to the Ziwei Ancestral Court, he only saw a vast expanse of void. In the void, there were huge chains floating, and the chains locked a small piece of land.
/There are mountains and rivers on that piece of land, and huge immortal talismans hang above it. Even though they are far apart, Xu Ying can clearly see the runes on those talismans. They are immortal runes, extremely profound, and they are impressively like a A seal!
/Xu Ying looked there, surprised and uncertain.
Nan Ziyan took it for granted and continued to drive the fairy boat towards the land.
There was a small village on the land, with hundreds of families living in it. Xu Ying couldn’t help but think of Xujiaping back then.
Although it is a village, the place is filled with fairy spirit. The air is filled with extremely rich fairy spirit, and there is also fairy light shining, which highlights the extraordinary nature of this place.
When people here saw Xu Ying coming, they all raised their heads and looked up at the fairy boat.
“Is this the Ziwei Ancestral Court?”
Xu Ying stood at the bow of the boat and said with some doubts, “This is a little different from what I imagined in the Ziwei Ancestral Court.”
Nan Ziyan landed in the immortal boat and said: “This is the Ziwei Ancestral Court. We have lived here for generations and are the guardians of the tombs of the immorta

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