

In Charlie’s opinion, the reason why David took the risk to come to the City Lord’s Mansion was that he came forward after receiving his contact.
It would be understandable if David knew his identity, but he was 100% sure that David definitely did not know his identity, which meant that David acted purely because of their previous friendship.
This is particularly valuable. With Charlie’s status, almost everyone who approaches him takes a fancy to his status. This kind of friendship without any interest relationship makes Charlie extremely fancy.
“Charlie Knight, do you know how the followers of the evil god fight? I have fought with the followers of the evil god many times, but I still can’t understand their fighting method!” David didn’t want to discuss the rescue with Charlie, as that would make him feel like He was asking for repayment for his kindness, so he changed the subject and asked.
“Baron Arthur, I forgot that you are from the Interstellar Federation and don’t know much about the followers of the evil god.
/Followers of evil gods have different abilities based on their belief in different evil gods. These abilities come more from the spiritual system. In ancient times, they were called warlocks, a spellcasting profession that gained strength through the means given by gods. .
Historical records record that the divine war that year included, in addition to the war between gods, there was also a war between knights and warlocks.
Moreover, the war between knights and warlocks became more protracted, until the emergence of the Zerg. Our knight profession received the strengthened meat of the Zerg, which made our own strength continue to strengthen, and strong ones continued to emerge, and the warlocks became more and more powerful. few.
In addition, after the victory of the God War, the divine world re-established the alchemy system and recruited spiritually gifted people into this alchemy system, leaving the warlock system that relied on spiritually gifted people with few successors. Although the evil god believers still exist to this day, In terms of numbers, they cannot compare with the knights, and they can only make small moves in various places. ” Charlie explained for David.
/David nodded, he finally understood the difference between knights and followers of the evil god, that is, warlocks.
“We knights should be grateful to the Zerg. It is the emergence of the Zerg that allows us knights to have grade materials to make better weapons and equipment, protect our bodies, and increase our attack power. The Zerg has also provided us with a large amount of training resources. The emergence of enhanced meat has accelerated the improvement of the knight’s strength, allowing the knight to mature much faster than the warlock.” Charlie sighed.
As Charlie continued to explain, David became more and more aware of some of the secrets of God’s great world.
Knights and followers of the evil god, that is, warlocks, are two different professions. The evil god likes to use sacrifices to obtain worship

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