Some of the people who came from behind the curtain couldn’t sit still. At this stage, they didn’t want any big troubles in Xinxing and hoped for a smooth transition.

Some of the people who came from behind the curtain couldn’t sit still. At this stage, they didn’t want any big troubles in Xinxing and hoped for a smooth transition.

Some camps are decisive in killing and really want to powerfully control a territory in the short term. They act quickly in secret and make plans for the future.
But there are also some people in the camp who are worried. If in the near future, time erases all the mythical attributes and they become mortals, will the emotions of the people on the new star explode and violently rebound against them?
“Could it be that some plutocrats are deliberately guiding people’s emotions and confusing the situation?” The beings behind the scenes were wondering.
During this period, descendants of immortals such as Kong Yun, Zhou Shiqian, Cao Qingyu, Chen Yan, and Huang Ming came forward one after another to refute the rumors.
“Wherever there are any man-eating demons, the real bloody monsters were eliminated in ancient times and became a thing of the past. Anyone who dares to massacre the city now will be eliminated by the immortals working together.”
To this end, these people do not hesitate to hold press conferences, clarify and even tell the secrets and truth about the world behind the scenes on major platforms.
This really attracted people, who were very curious about mythology and wanted to know what the real fairy world was like.
“Our ancestors come from the real world, and our roots are here. You and I both share the same blood. Who would attack his hometown?”
“Don’t be misled. Most of the so-called demons and immortals are actually human beings. It’s just that there was something wrong with the techniques they practiced back then. They transformed from human bodies into golden-winged rocs, white peacocks, thousand-handed gods, etc. They took the real form. Routes are actually people too.”
It is an eye-opener for people. Many of the mythical species are actually humans?
/Are Taotie, Taotie, Pixiu, etc. all transformed by people who take the path of the true form of a demon?
/Wang Xuan flipped through the scriptures Zhong Cheng gave him. It was indeed full of pictures and texts, giving people a visual enjoyment. He flipped through most of the books and was convinced that there was no fraud this time and it was a photo album of Xiao Zhong.
There are pure school clothes in the maple forest at sunset, and pictures of playing in the water under the blue sea and blue sky. The postures are so pleasant that at first glance they are photos of Zhong Qing herself.
“What does this guy mean? He actually gave me something like this.” Wang Xuan shook his head, but he still didn’t stop and continued to turn back.
“The last half of the book is the latest big clock?” Wang Xuan was surprised. He looked at it again and again and confirmed that it was made by Zhong Cheng in a hurry. It was really a photo of Zhong Qing after he came out of the interior location.
“How can a person like me, who killed many cross-border people in the column, not be able to withstand such

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