ort opened slowly, revealing the appearance of the visitor:

ort opened slowly, revealing the appearance of the visitor:

A huge, white, upright walking rabbit with twitching ears.
Above the gray fog, in the ancient palace, a figure was shrouded in gray fog. He sat in the “Fool” position at the top of the long mottled table, quietly gazing at the crimson star that represented “Justice”.
Backlund, West District, No. 9 Bellotto Street.
Seeing that the two-week deadline was getting closer, Wendel gradually became insomniac and had to rely on medication to help him fall asleep.
After waking up, he was also restless, extremely agitated, and completely lost interest in food. Only to maintain physical fitness, he forced himself to eat three meals sent by his colleagues.
He didn’t know what would happen when the court deadline came, and he had no way of predicting whether there would be irreversible changes in his body.
This fear of the unknown often made him feel breathless and extremely painful.
Sometimes, Wendel even thinks that maybe resisting returning to Utopia is not a wise choice:
Judging from his limited experience there, if he honestly returns to Utopia and goes to court to testify for Tracy, there is a good chance he will leave safely afterwards.
——At least so far, Wendel has not heard of anyone dying or going crazy because of Utopia. The people there are quite kind except for being weird.
I just went to help, and they should be grateful to me instead of dealing with me… The more Wendel thought about it, the more he felt that facing danger might make him feel more comfortable than suffering here.
Of course, he had no doubts about the protective capabilities of the MI9 headquarters. If this failed, he felt that he could only consider meeting the “Storm Lord” as soon as possible.
Huh… Wendel breathed out, sat on the chair, and picked up a novel casually, wanting to pass the time.
But his irritable mood prevented him from entering the plot of the story at all. He turned the pages more and more frequently, and finally closed the book with a snap.
He then closed his eyes and prepared to take a nap.
In a daze, Wendel seemed to have returned to Utopia and came to the court, but his role was not as a witness, but as an audience.
He saw Tracey being judged by the judge as not being guilty of excessive self-defense due to lack of sufficient evidence, and was transferred to the criminal court. He saw the young lady weeping and smiling extremely sadly.
Wendel woke up and stared silently at the gas wall lamp in front of him, making no move for a long time.
If the problem is the Utopia, not the residents of the Utopia, then my escape may kill a poor lady… Wendel withdrew his gaze, slightly shaken, but could not overcome the fear in his heart.
He supported the table with his hands, stood up, and walked towards the door, intending to walk around the MI9 headquarters to relax his mood.
/After leaving the room and walking a few steps along the corridor, Wendel suddenly heard colleagues discussing Utopia-related cases in the office next to him:
/“Have you heard? The

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