is of great use. In more than two months, your extraordinary fate will end. Don’t be angry and dissatisfied. This is a fact. You are very talented, but you were born too late. This era will not give you time. .For me, everything is still on the road, and I am looking for new paths to open up new territories for new extraordinary worlds.”

is of great use. In more than two months, your extraordinary fate will end. Don’t be angry and dissatisfied. This is a fact. You are very talented, but you were born too late. This era will not give you time. .For me, everything is still on the road, and I am looking for new paths to open up new territories for new extraordinary worlds.”

He paused slightly and then said: “You gave up the unnecessary inner knowledge, etc., and what you got was a peerless friendship, which will guarantee you a lifetime of prosperity and wealth. And the eternal achievements I seek will naturally have a share of your contribution, and will be People remember. In the future, if I reopen a new world of mythology, and if you have not yet died of old age, I will try my best to save you.”
Wang Xuan said: “You have been searching for the path for more than three thousand years, but you have not found the most effective way. You are still moving forward and wandering in hesitation and hesitation. What reason do you have to tell me now that you can re-establish the extraordinary world? Be generous to others and take the generosity of others. Will my inner scene and immortal bones make up for your shortcomings and pave the way for you to be unsure of? I’m sorry, this kind of sacrifice, in my opinion, is like feeding a wolf-dog with meat buns, and it will not have good results.”
/He was not impassioned. He was like an outsider who was speaking calmly: “The real new myth may not be initiated and found by your so-called high-level people. I know my position and what I am doing. I think that I I am stronger and more confident than you, so you want to pave the way with my blood, inner scenes and background, but you think too much and I won’t give it!”
His eyes were bright, and he continued: “Don’t say anything to me. For the sake of all the extraordinary beings, for the survival of the entire extraordinary world, and for the merits of eternal life, you are not qualified and not so grand. I even think that I should leave Everything I have done is more real. If you move forward according to the spirit of the earth, you may succeed in the future. But you are standing too high. You have been away from ordinary extraordinary people for too long. You are in the clouds and most of what you see are castles in the air. Ethereal. Too far from the ground. What you said today and the beautiful picture of the future you showed did not make me believe it, but it first blinded your own eyes. Except for you standing in the clouds, ask others, how many people agree with it? ?”
Wang Xuan added, “From this point of view, I think Fang Yuzhu, Lao Zhang, and the shadow couple have done much better than people like you. At least they are thinking of ways, finding ways, and taking action. Very Be pragmatic. As for you, I don’t see your path. I only see you allowing others to contribute and paving your own road. Why do you have any reason for me to sacrifice my life, location, blood, etc., are you embarrassed?”
After Qitian stood up, his feather clothes were flutte

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