us beasts’ bodies of primitive ferocious beasts with different death forms fell into the boiling soup one after another in either complete or broken forms.

us beasts’ bodies of primitive ferocious beasts with different death forms fell into the boiling soup one after another in either complete or broken forms.

Then in an instant, in the bright and dying of the cosmic glow roared by the thunder and fireworks of the Supreme Way.
This clear and transparent boiling soup became turbid almost instantly due to the smelting of grain and firewood. In the turbidity, all the evil spirits were separated one after another, intertwined and roared one after another. Following the charm of Tao and Dharma, following the radiance of the Supreme Tao, it suddenly becomes a beautiful divine flower.
Then, the divine flower transforms into the purple gold and jade radiance, and then, the nectar and jade dew condense in the purple gold and jade radiance.
When all the smelting comes to an end, in the more turbulent boiling water, the human form of Taoism and the origin of Taoism are increasing and decreasing, becoming more and more prosperous with each breath.
/And this kind of smelting itself, this kind of prosperity of the breath itself, seems to be some kind of omen that changes the overall situation of this infinite life and death attack battlefield.
This is a certain direction destined by the imperfection behind the power of the original beast.
Chu Weiyang’s form, spirit and origin were devoured and smelted. For the original ferocious beast, it only made up for the shortcomings of his body, and only accelerated his body’s recovery.
But for Chu Weiyang, every smelting of the transcendent level of form, spirit and Taoism essence belonging to the original ferocious beast, every peak of Xumi battlefield in different years.
It all means that in the process of long enough time passing by oneself, in the process of constant increase and decrease in talents and talents, in a truly world-shaking process, one is moving towards the transcendent level of all phenomena and all dharma. The thoroughness and flawlessness evolved away!
At this moment, the mutual attacks on the truly infinite battlefield, and the majestic long river of time running through it, made up for the last weak gap between Chu Weiyang’s majestic talent and foundation.
The length of time itself is as vast as the vastness of everything.
For Chu Weiyang, every peak represents a certain part of all phenomena, a certain part of his body, the essence of form, spirit and Taoism. In the process based on the death and life of the original ferocious beast, Performed to the utmost perfection.
This means that every trace of improvement itself is Chu Weiyang’s mad rush towards the ultimate perfection of completeness and perfection, and is the transformation and sublimation of Chu Weiyang’s own Taoism and combat power.
/At this moment, in this almost identical realm of cultivation, when the transformation of the original ferocious beast becomes mediocre and ordinary.
The transformation and sublimation of Chu Weiyang’s every step of progress in a comprehensive and flawless manner has become an otherworldly change in the true sense.

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