eal rebirth. No matter what you have been in the past, the stranger comes to the real hell and enters a special zone. Under the supreme foundation of the rules of life and death, there is no It will rot, but it will still be full of vitality.”

eal rebirth. No matter what you have been in the past, the stranger comes to the real hell and enters a special zone. Under the supreme foundation of the rules of life and death, there is no It will rot, but it will still be full of vitality.”

Wang Xuan nodded. He also felt that the earlier explanation was a bit extreme, but it did make some sense.
The mobile phone wonder said: “Hell is real and special. Life and death, yang and yin, the richness and decay of mythical factors can all be referenced.”
Wang Xuan said: “The rise and fall of the extraordinary, the dazzling prosperity and the cold winter darkness, come and go. The day and night of hell also have certain essential shadows.”
Then, he asked: “Can those people in Stronghold 1 be saved?”
“Essentially, they entered the problematic area and did die. Now they are trapped in a strange circle. It depends on how to deal with the fragments of the sacred object.”
“Sacred relic fragment? This area is so weird and scary. Is it all related to it?” Wang Xuan was surprised.
“Yeah!” The mobile phone wonder said only one word.
“Can I find it?” Wang Xuan said to himself.
“Perhaps someone got there first.” The mobile phone wonder said.
Wang Xuan came to Stronghold No. 2, which was still a ruins and not small in scale. He stayed here for one night and found the same problem.
The horrific spectacle of the death of the Holy One replayed itself, as the two strangers quickly dissolved under the true blood slipping from the giant eyes, which was extremely terrifying. Those in this area of ??hell cannot avoid this kind of spectacle and must experience it every night.
Moreover, everyone in this ruins will also rot and die in the second half of the night, and then be resurrected in the morning.
Wang Xuan was in a heavy heart. After the sun rose, he wanted to know whether the people in the True Saint Dojo were also affected by the attack, but found that no one was there.
He was told that the advance team from the outside world was exploring the way ahead and no one was left behind.
Then came No. 3 and No. 4 strongholds. Wang Xuan experienced them all personally. The four strongholds faced the same problems and there was no one alive.
What surprised and alarmed him was that there was not a single disciple left in the True Saint Dojo!
People from different dojos in other places did not walk together, but they all entered the wild one after another to explore the way ahead.
/“There’s a situation!”
With his spiritual eyes fully open, Wang Xuan moved forward along the path opened on the map. He did not go into the unknown area by himself for the time being, because it was really dangerous.
“Strange object!” During the process of exploring the road, the texture of Yudao in his eyes flowed, and he keenly discovered the big medicine under the mountain not far away, with Yin and Yang steaming under the soil.
/He walked over and dug into the mountain. The moment he dug up the mountain, black and white light shot up into the sky. There were two pieces of Polygonum multiflorum gr

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