e fifth-level Templar Knights from the Divine World have come. This grand event is no longer a grand gathering of decades, but at least it can be regarded as a grand gathering of a hundred years.

e fifth-level Templar Knights from the Divine World have come. This grand event is no longer a grand gathering of decades, but at least it can be regarded as a grand gathering of a hundred years.

“The Temple of War, Bishop McKinley, the fifth-level priest of Heaviside, and the Annabelle Templar are here!”
“The Temple of Knowledge, the fifth-level priest Emerson has arrived!”
“The Temple of Wealth, Carlton’s fifth-level priest has arrived!”
“Earth Temple, Bishop Bolin, and the fifth-level priest Horace are here!”
“Temple of Justice, Bishop Evans, and the fifth-level priest of Hawthorn are here!”
People watching the grand ceremony on the ground in the main city of Dun’er were shocked. The five major temples rarely participate in secular affairs, but this time they sent so many important figures to the reception.
David was wearing a simple gray robe. Ever since he learned that the temple had publicly publicized his killing of Cameron’s fifth-level bishop, he no longer wanted to hide the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’.
On such an important occasion, of course he had to wear this top-notch dress in the divine world.
“Lord Gould, welcome!” David smiled and bowed.
“Lord Arthur, congratulations!” Lord Gould did not show the attitude of an elder in formal occasions, and also used honorifics.
It’s just that Lord Gould’s eyes have been scanning the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’ on David. It is not a secret that the fifth-level Bishop Cameron possesses the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’.
Seeing Lord Arthur standing in front of him, his aura filled with a dark and evil aura, Lord Gould would not think that this was due to Lord Arthur’s belief in the evil god.
Even if Lord Arthur really believed in the evil god, he would not show it in such a public place.
Then there is only one possibility. The seemingly ordinary gray robe on Lord Arthur is the legendary artifact ‘Dark Shadow’.
“Is this the ‘Dark Shadow’?” Lord Gould asked softly.
“You have such good eyesight!” David replied with a smile. Since he was wearing it, there was no need to hide it, especially since the person asking the question was Lord Gould.
/Lord Gould resisted the urge to touch it, but instead of touching it, a hand stretched out from behind him and grabbed the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’.
“Is this thing really an artifact?” On this occasion, the only person who grabbed the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’ and was not beaten to death by Lord Gould and Lord Arthur was naturally Charlie Knight.
He curiously felt the texture of the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’, but he couldn’t sense anything special based on his strength.
“Charlie, don’t be rude!” Lord Gould shouted softly. He had already seen other fifth-level Templar knights approaching not far behind him.
“I’ll let you have a look later when I’m free!” David said with a smile.
He recognized the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’ as its owner. As long as it was within five thousand meters of his mental range, he could take back the artifact ‘Dark Shadow’ with just one thought, so he didn’t care about lending it to Charlie for viewing.
“Then it’s ag

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