r body.

r body.

Wang Xuan was surprised, and then there were words of praise: “The fairy came out of the sky, and her grace is unparalleled. She has amazed the years and captivated the heavens. Her magic power is invincible and she can suppress the red-clothed female demon fairy with one hand!”
After the female sword fairy heard this, she disliked him again, curled her lips, and walked away with her moon-white dress fluttering. But the moment she turned around, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. When she heard those words of praise, she raised her white chin, revealing a bright and sweet smile that she didn’t want others to see.
Before he was about to wake up from his dream, Wang Xuan saw the female sword fairy waving her hands towards him, walking proudly away, and gradually blurred.
At the last moment, there was a flash of light and shadow, and he actually saw the inner scene, saw the light curtain, and saw another sword fairy tearing apart the sky with peerless sword light. The sword was pointing at a powerful opponent in the distance, and he was fighting!
/He woke up suddenly and wanted to help, but he couldn’t see anything. He had returned to the real world.
“In three years, I will definitely come here and wait for you early!” Wang Xuan said to himself. He didn’t know what would happen in three years, but he could feel that the Sword Fairy would not harm him and wanted to keep him safe.
Wang Xuan really wants to know what will happen in three years and what impact it will have on the entire world?
He sighed softly, unable to change anything now, and said to himself: “After all, I am not strong enough. At least I have to be able to protect myself.” He felt that he was weak and quite lonely compared to the people in the legend. Looking at the entire barren mountains and ridges, he finally said with a solemn look on his face: “When did you ask the red-dressed female demon fairy to perform a fairy dance, but she didn’t dare to say a word? With such strength, you can barely get by, right? ”
Aoki was walking towards him. At first he heard his whispers, felt his loss and sadness, and sympathized with him. Then he saw the serious look on his face, and thought he was going to make a clear decision and rise up vigorously.
However, he never expected that when he heard the following words, he immediately swallowed back all the words of sympathy.
“It’s almost done. It’s not dark yet. When you can get over Chen Randen, you can have these dreams again.” Aoki said expressionlessly.
“Old Qing, people always have dreams. Two hundred years ago, humans didn’t know where the new stars were. Now if you look at them, they are all venturing into deep space.” Finally, Wang Xuan added: “Since it is possible to meet on a narrow road, naturally Is it better for her to play the pipa and dance hotly than to kill me with a snap of her fingers and destroy the battleship?”
Aoki nodded and said: “Okay, wait for the day when you face the peerless red-clothed female demon.”
Wang Xuan didn’t want to talk to him anymore. Lao Qing alwa

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