sing fire to attack the opponent fiercely.”

sing fire to attack the opponent fiercely.”

Yiren Xuyan told the origin of that magic circle.
At this time, everyone exclaimed that Kong Xuan, with one sword and one sword, was able to challenge the Tattooed Holy City head-on, and fight against 28 tribesmen, but he was not at a disadvantage. He was able to suppress a city with one man, and his sword power became even stronger!
“Senior Xu Yan, how do you think this battle will evolve?”
/“There is no doubt that Kong Xuan’s bravery is rare in the world. Not to mention this era, even if we stretch the axis of history, comparing multiple eras, there are not many people who can compete with him in the same realm.”
Xu Yan spoke highly of Wang Xuan, but soon he had another “but”.
After Yiren Xuyan’s comments, everyone looked solemn, he was telling the truth.
Kong Xuan indeed illuminated the sea of ????stars powerfully, but there were several forbidden magic circles waiting for him, and Chen Mu from 7 centuries ago was ready to go, so it was destined to be extremely difficult.
Because the combination of the Tattoo Holy City, Time Array, Dawn and Twilight prepared by the opposing camp is equivalent to the joining forces of several ultimate limit breakers.
It’s scary to think about it, it’s almost unexplainable!
The bloody archers of Shiguangtian stood on the city wall, constantly bending their bows and shooting arrows. After being blessed by the Tattooed Holy City, the power of the arrow feathers skyrocketed, increasing by an unknown number of times.
The 28 tribesmen were filled with murderous intent. They each used secret techniques, waved weapons, etc., and blasted out of the city together.
Normally, almost no heaven-level master can resist this kind of impact, and it will be exploded instantly and crushed into powder.
“Kong Xuan, die!” The 28 tribesmen used the black gold lion clan’s lion roaring magic to unleash their murderous intent on Wang Xuan, roaring out the strongest murderous intent in their hearts.
At this moment, Wang Xuan was still killing the Holy City with one man and one sword, but his aura changed.
This kind of sword light cannot be produced without a six-stroke slash!
Of course, he didn’t really cut it out now, but brought on part of the Tao Yun.
In one breath, he swung out countless swords, all of which were tainted with the terrifying sword light. With a bang, he used the sword to cast a spell, and he blasted open a section of the wall of the divine city.
There, the city collapsed, earth and rocks splashed, and Dao patterns intertwined, like a real holy city, a large area collapsed.
Everyone gasped, Kong Xuan’s bravery was so intimidating!
Puff puff
The sword light surged, and the walls of the Tattooed Holy City exploded into pieces with extraordinary beings.
Wang Xuan’s figure appeared in front of the city wall, and he swung his sword towards the city, giving people a sense of invincibility and an unparalleled impact.
The Black Gold Lion Clan, the Bloody Archer, the 28 Tribes, etc., a large group of extraordinary beings w

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