ot sit still and wanted to ask the True Sage Wujie what he had seen and heard back then and who he had fought with.

ot sit still and wanted to ask the True Sage Wujie what he had seen and heard back then and who he had fought with.

In the past, heavy fog filled the air, footsteps shook the extraordinary center, the Jedi was frozen, and there was complete and eternal silence. Saints disappeared, leaving too many mysteries behind.
In a modern metropolis, Wang Xuan sat quietly in the depths of the fog that had transformed over the city for several years. He could see the sea of ??mortals when he looked down, and the vast starry sky when he looked up. He was practicing in a special environment.
/At this time, he suddenly raised his head, his face completely changed, and he saw a dazzling light that seemed familiar to him, piercing the extraordinary center, and then slashed in.
Not just him, the expressions of all the supreme beings changed, their pupils shrank, staring at the light that split open the extraordinary center and entered.
“Must-kill list!” Soon, he was sure that this was it.
/It was originally destroyed by “Nothing” and “You”. The current mythical universe and the old extraordinary center from before the 23rd century violently collided, and they worked together to crush the upper and lower lists.
The saints were sure to destroy it!
But now, it actually appears again!
The extraordinary center is felt by all supreme beings. How can their expressions remain unchanged? This is for them, and everyone knows what group it will ultimately target.
“What a spicy chicken!” At this moment, Lemo broke through his defenses and could no longer maintain his holiness and aloofness. Instead, a dark and faint light appeared through his body.
He had just taken off the coat of the Great Evil Spirit and was going to be the Great Sage of Lemo from now on, but that list came back? !
The reason why he became the master of the Extraordinary Center was because he was sure that the must-kill list had indeed been solved by the “Wu” and “You” and other saints.
Now he wants to “get along” and want to regain the power at the center of the mythical universe. As a result, the butcher’s knife hanging over the heads of the saints has returned. How can he feel so embarrassed?
Why did he leave then? Just to get rid of it once and for all.
Of course, this comes at a heavy price. After severing contact and living outside for a long time, one needs to endure the calamity of decay. And as the years accumulate, one era after another, the catastrophe of decay will become more serious, otherwise why would he need to come back again.
“I just put down my butcher knife and thought about becoming a god immediately. I have already illuminated the world with my sacred light and been accepted by the world. But you told me that the Shura Killing Fields is restarted and I need to fight for decades all over again. I#%&! ”
Great Sage Lemo’s mentality is almost out of balance. He really can’t stand this reversal. He wants to defy the heavens and the earth to defy all the saints. A group of brats are really unreliable in their work!
Mamoru frowned. Even he, as on

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