as been completed, the follow-up plot is in post-production.

as been completed, the follow-up plot is in post-production.

As the leading actor, he certainly knows how heartbreaking the plot behind “Lotus Lantern” is.
at this time.
Zhao Jue’s voice came from the side: “All the post-production work of “Lotus Lantern” has been officially completed. I plan to start the advance on-demand broadcast tonight, but I haven’t had time to watch the specific plot yet. Is Director Ding really sure?”
“Minister Zhao.”
Liu Zhengwen said hello.
Ding Xiao smiled: “Has the production been completed? Let’s broadcast it in one go tonight. Minister Zhao can watch it by himself at night. The audience also needs comfort.”
Liu Zhengwen’s expression became strange again.
In this world, only Ding Xiaohui thinks that the plot at the end of “Lotus Lantern” can appease the audience, right?
Zhao Jue was doubtful and said: “Really?”
Because of the “Baolian Lantern” incident, the company was under great pressure.
The outside world said that Xingmang deliberately belittled the protagonist Erlang Shen for Journey to the West.
This has even affected Xingmang’s stock price today!
As the company’s stock price fell, many senior executives came to ask Zhao Jue for questioning.
Zhao Jue also bit the bullet and explained that there will be a reversal in the plot later, so the leaders should rest assured.
However the fact is:
Zhao Jue has been dealing with various public relations crises caused by “Lotus Lantern” all day today, and he has no time to read the follow-up plot.
She just followed the plot that had been aired like ordinary viewers.
If we only look at “Lotus Lantern” from the perspective of the audience, Zhao Jue also feels that the script’s portrayal of Erlang Shen is outrageous and a bit too dark.
As for the words she explained to the boss, they were all said by the showrunner.
I have to watch the follow-up plot tonight to see how the portrayal of Erlang Shen is reversed.
at the same time.
Lin Yuan also received the news.
Tonight “Baolian Lantern” will be available in advance on-demand mode.
The audience can watch the last fourteen episodes about Yang Jian in one sitting!
Lin Yuan has been paying attention to the sniper attack on “Lotus Lantern”.
But there was nothing he could do.
/Unless there are spoilers, tell the audience that there will be a twist later.
However, Lin Yuan feels that spoilers are the most boring thing. For many stories, you have to watch the end to feel them.
Fortunately, Xingmang no longer has to bear this pressure.
Now that the filming of the plot has been completed, the truth will be revealed tonight.
As for the audience’s reactions before the truth came out, Lin Yuan was somewhat mentally prepared.
Yi An was scolded a lot for being wronged.
The only thing that surprised Lin Yuan was that Ling Kong actually took action!
This made Lin Yuan realize that behind Xia Fan losing his role before, the tribe might really be at work.
Now that Lingkong has intervened in the film and television layout of the tribe, this is the most obvious ev

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