cha, Joy, fool Afu and others were frightened to watch.

cha, Joy, fool Afu and others were frightened to watch.

They were still within the impact range of the aftermath of the two powerful men’s magical powers. If the scholar hadn’t always stood in front of them, I’m afraid they would have been completely destroyed by the aftermath of the two powerful men’s magical powers!
The power of Xu Jing’s magical power was rising steadily, and the Tao power he burst out became more and more powerful. Joy’s cultivation level was the highest. Looking up, he seemed to vaguely see a heavenly palace. That day, magical powers flew out of the palace, coming from the hands of an immortal who manifested the laws of heaven and earth.
The immortal displayed the magic of the sky and the earth. His physical body was vast, his soul and body were one, and his magical powers were astonishing.
Joy looked at it from a distance, and saw that the immortal had slender eyebrows, was wearing a scarlet robe, but had black cloud shoulders raised to both sides. The cloud shoulders are embroidered with cloud patterns and Kui dragon patterns, supplemented by large and small mountain and river beads, hanging at the corners.
“This person looks like the leader of Dou Bu, Yang Zhenjun, the leader of the Three True Realms of Dou.”
Joy was shocked in her heart. Yang Zhenjun, the leader of the Three True Realms in the competition, was a being named Heavenly Lord!
“Master actually fought on par with him, he was really brave.”
Just when she thought of this, she suddenly saw that Yang Zhenjun Yang Yanlong’s breath did not follow, Xu Jing’s palm force came over, and a huge palm print covered the Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace!
Pieces of buildings in that Tiangong collapsed. Even if they couldn’t hear the sound, they could still imagine how chaotic the Helingdu Ancient Tiangong was at this moment!
Xu Jing drummed up his cultivation and struck the sky with one palm after another, only to see huge palm prints smashing into the Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace one after another.
Yang Zhenjun was still trying desperately to resist his attack, but blood was already flowing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, so he just gritted his teeth and held on for dear life.
The fool Ah Fu whispered: “I heard Pingnan Tianjun who likes to collect corpses say, don’t mess with that teacher if you have nothing to do.”
Joy, Zhu Chanchan and Feng Xian’er nodded in succession. Feng Xian’er whispered: “The eyes of the old corpse are very vicious.”
/Seeing that the ancient heavenly palace of Yang Zhenjun and He Lingdu was destroyed, suddenly, an immortal flag flew out from one side, separating the immortal and mortal worlds.
When the fairy flag passed by, the barrier between the immortal and mortal worlds was once again solid, and the fairy world could no longer be seen from the ancestral court.
Xu Jing’s agitated momentum gradually calmed down, and he looked back at everyone. Joy, Zhu Chanchan, Fool A’fu and Feng Xian’er knew that he was Xu Ying’s father and stepped forward to greet him.
Xu Jing smiled and said: “No need to

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