able to realize your dreams.

able to realize your dreams.

Grassroots are the majority in the world!
How many people actually realize their dreams?
The vast majority of people fall on the road to chasing their dreams.
The emotions are numbed and the hot blood has cooled down, just like withered flowers that no one remembers.
“In the blink of an eye, many years have passed, filled with joys and sorrows
A boy who once had ambitions everywhere
Envy of Yan flying south
The figures who are running towards their own futures are gradually drifting away.
Where will the future be ordinary?
Who can give me the answer? ”
The dreams of ordinary people are often just dreams.
When I was young, I was full of ambitions, but after all, I couldn’t compete with the reality.
The two Zhongzhou singers sang about the joy of success, but Fei Yang’s song was more like singing for those who fell on the road to pursuing their dreams:
“Those who were with me at that time, where are you now?”
“The person I once loved, what does he look like now?”
The previous lyrics are euphemistic, but this section seems to be torture from the depths of the soul!
Fei Yang didn’t use any unnecessary techniques. There was only sincerity and helplessness in his voice, as well as the confusion lingering in everyone’s heart:
“Did your original wish come true?
Do we have to pay tribute now?
Let the years dry up and ideals will never be able to find the real me again.
Looking up at the sky full of stars
The one that accompanied me at that time
Do you still remember the story here? ”
There was silence in the audience.
Memories swirl in many people’s minds.
How many people still remember the dream they had when they were young?
Maybe it’s only when you work overtime until early morning under the moonlight, dragging your tired body home and licking your wounds numbly, that you can recall those once ambitious dreams, right?
“Life is like a ruthless knife
Changed our appearance
Will it wither before it blooms?
I had a dream”
This is reality.
We have been changed by life, and our dreams have withered before they bloomed.
Fei Yang is an old man who entered the industry very early. Of course he had friends who made music with him back then, but he was actually the only one who persisted to the end and achieved success like himself.
Where are they now?
If I had fallen down, who would be standing here singing now?
Someone’s home.
Watching the competition of the Blue Music Club, a man in his forties excitedly said to his wife: “I know Fei Yang. We played together when we were young. He sings really well now!”
As he spoke, the man choked up.
The wife subconsciously looked at the dusty guitar in the corner.
In a certain store.
A woman who was about the same age as Fei Yang was watching TV, her eyes gradually turning red:
“He has chased me before.”
/That was back when we were making music together.
In a high-end carriage.
The same man suddenly burst into tears while listening to the broadcast of the Blue League match in the carriage.
The driver in th

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