he fire, those who make sarcastic comments, those who are supportive, and those who just watch the excitement.

he fire, those who make sarcastic comments, those who are supportive, and those who just watch the excitement.

Finally, someone from the publishing industry showed up, and private words spread: “This Kuang Chu is simply a master of time management. He writes a book in a month, and a book in a few days. He can do it every time he says it, and it doesn’t matter. Saying that there is such a thing as Kavin, is there nothing in life that can slightly make his creative state decline?”
Public opinion intensified.
The voices of the questioning faction are getting louder day by day, and it is clear that the previous doubts were treated as jokes.
The storm gradually took shape.
Such discussions can be seen everywhere, even among students, colleagues, and friends:
“Do you think Chu Kuang is really run by the team?”
/“I think it is.”
“Fuck your mother!”
This question tests friendship.
Because Chu Kuang has too many fans, maybe friends will break up because of this.
It’s actually not bad that it falls on Lin Yuan, because the only people who can contact Chu Kuang are Jin Mu and the chairman besides his family.
As long as he doesn’t go online.
Of course Lin Yuan is still online.
However, looking at the news online, it does seem like a dark cloud is over the city.
/Lin Yuan, who had planned to respond directly, suddenly had a new idea: In fact, this kind of thing can be solved once and for all, right?
to be honest.
Take out your phone.
Lin Yuan called Jin Mu.
“I just saw a very interesting comment, saying that if I was locked up in a small dark room and coded, I would win if I could write it, but if I couldn’t write it, there would be a problem.”
“You mean live broadcast around the world? It’s impossible.”
Kaneki sighed: “Not to mention whether you can write an article during a global live broadcast with hundreds of millions of people watching. Even if you do write it, they will say that you memorized the manuscript in advance.”
“What does it mean to not recite in advance?”
“too difficult.”
“It’s interesting because it’s difficult. It’s enough for something like this to happen once. What I need is a true once and for all solution. This should be the case for Chu Kuang, Xianyu or Shadow.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Contact the Literary and Art Association, I want arbitration.”
Today it is said that Chu Kuang is a ghostwriter, tomorrow he is said to be a ghostwriter, and the day after tomorrow he is said to be a ghostwriter. Lin Yuan is not surprised that there is a market for such speculations, and he does not blame netizens.
My several vest works are too complicated.
It is indeed the work of different teachers on Earth.
If there is a way to stop everyone from questioning it, and the shelf life is permanent, then maybe we can only continue to rely on cheating, otherwise it will be really difficult to get over it.
Drink a few bottles of the latest functional potions produced by the system, and then start performing in front of the whole world?
Take a deep breath.
Lin Yuan made

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