Xingchen understood Wang Chaoyang’s mood. Lin Xingchen naturally knew about the tragedy that no one in the hall wanted to mention, but the details were only known to Wang Chaoyang himself, so Lin Xingchen asked: “Captain Wang, what happened that year?” What’s the matter? I heard that there were about ten of you going to hunt down a prisoner, but why did you alone come back in the end?” Lin Xingchen is an outspoken person. When she wants to know something, she will not beat around the bush. You went around in circles, so she asked Wang Chaoyang directly without taking into account his feelings.

Xingchen understood Wang Chaoyang’s mood. Lin Xingchen naturally knew about the tragedy that no one in the hall wanted to mention, but the details were only known to Wang Chaoyang himself, so Lin Xingchen asked: “Captain Wang, what happened that year?” What’s the matter? I heard that there were about ten of you going to hunt down a prisoner, but why did you alone come back in the end?” Lin Xingchen is an outspoken person. When she wants to know something, she will not beat around the bush. You went around in circles, so she asked Wang Chaoyang directly without taking into account his feelings.

Wang Chaoyang paused and collected his complicated emotions. He decided to confide the terrifying experience to Lin Xingchen: “Chengdu at that time was still a quiet and peaceful Chengdu. My team and I usually only dealt with a few things. It was a small case of petty theft, but soon after that, the city of Chengdu completely changed.”
“Changed? What has become?”
“Darkness and crime suddenly arise.” In this noisy bar, Wang Chaoyang read every word of this sentence clearly, and Lin Xingchen could hear the gnashing of teeth in Wang Chaoyang’s sentence.
Lin Xingchen really couldn’t imagine what kind of city it would be. She was surprised: “What kind of picture is that?”
Wang Chaoyang picked up the “Orange” pot and took a sip, and said slowly: “Robbery, murder, theft, kidnapping… crimes you can think of, at that time, happened almost every day.”
“Why is this happening?”
“It’s because of one person that he has made this city so turbid, he has made our Public Security Bureau miserable, and he has made the people of Chengdu panic all day long.” When talking about this person, Wang Chaoyang’s eyes were full of fear. The person who can instill fear in Wang Chaoyang, a veteran policeman who has experienced many battles, must not be a simple criminal.
“I really can’t think of any kind of person who can have such a big influence.” Lin Xingchen had never seen such a person, so naturally he would not be intimidated by Wang Chaoyang’s simple words.
/“I don’t know, I haven’t even seen his face clearly. Even if he wiped out my team, I still don’t know who he is. He is like Moriarty in “Sherlock Holmes”, he dominates The entire criminal community in this city.” When Wang Chaoyang said this, his heart was clenched. Killing a person is not scary, but killing someone’s heart is scary. What’s even scarier is that you don’t even know who killed him. Those beliefs, those hopes, and those attachments in your heart are quietly wiped out.
“Don’t you even have any clues about him?” Lin Xingchen still couldn’t believe that this person was so scary.
Wang Chaoyang drank the “orange” pot again. At this time, the drunkenness slowly got to his head, and he could no longer hold back his chatter: “Let me tell you about the situation at that time. At that time, we were investigating all the cases in Chengdu. When committing the crime, I discovered that there was a connection between them, and this connection was that person. Later, our team was respons

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