l of thieves? This city is not like many other violent cities with very low safety index and full of bloody underworld. The thieves in this city are much more advanced. The thieves here are mainly thieves, and their stealing skills are world-class…

l of thieves? This city is not like many other violent cities with very low safety index and full of bloody underworld. The thieves in this city are much more advanced. The thieves here are mainly thieves, and their stealing skills are world-class…

14. Hell on Earth
What is hell on earth?
From my understanding, this is a relative term and an adjective.
The world is the world, and hell is hell. The world is always full of warmth, and hell is always full of despair.
When compared to a person, the human world she lives in has no warmth and is filled with despair, her human world will be no different from hell.
/In the city of Xi’an, a city full of rich ancient customs, shrouded in darkness and washed by heavy rain, it seems to be just such a hell.
But the Xi’an mentioned here is not Xi’an now, but two years ago.
It was this city two years ago, with such dark nights and heavy rains, but today it seems too peaceful compared to two years ago, when this place simply exploded.
In an alley, a woman with long soaked hair was running. She would look back from time to time. Under the dim streetlight, the expression on the woman’s face looked so desperate.
Of course she should be desperate, but behind her there were countless men with guns chasing her.
“Xu Jiu, stand! If you run again, we will shoot.” One of the men chasing the woman shouted.
And this woman who is evading pursuit is Xu Jiu from two years ago.
Although the person chasing her asked her to stop, Xu Jiu was not a fool. She could not stop. For her, the best outcome was death, and the worst outcome was life worse than death.
There is still a glimmer of hope to escape, but if she stops, she will be in danger. Even if Xu Jiu is shot to death, she will not stop.
She continued to run towards the end of the alley, ignoring the shouts behind her.
The men with guns have already warned Xu Jiu. They are not police, they are cruel criminals. Their warning is not a joke. They will not fire warning shots. They will point their guns directly at you until they beat you. A hornet’s nest.
The men with guns had lost patience in chasing Xu Jiu, who was desperately running away. They stopped one after another, pointed their guns at Xu Jiu, who was still running away, and were ready to pull the trigger at any time. Fortunately, the people above them did not say that they wanted to stay. Living mouth, so they will be unscrupulous.
Just when Xu Jiu was about to be shot to death, a spherical object suddenly rolled out of the darkness in front of the group of men.
It’s strange that at this thrilling moment, a spherical object comes out to join in the fun.
This group of men focused their attention on the spherical object, trying to see clearly what it was?
But the spherical object only gave them a second to see clearly, because by the time they saw it clearly, it had already been blown away. It turned out that it was a bomb.
Xu Jiu heard the loud noise behind her before escaping from the alley, but she had no time to look back to see what happened. What she ne

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