he black and silver broadsword swept away many spinal needles, and the Thousand-Cin Pendant caused Wei Xiaobei to fall into the pile of flesh and blood again in the blink of an eye.

he black and silver broadsword swept away many spinal needles, and the Thousand-Cin Pendant caused Wei Xiaobei to fall into the pile of flesh and blood again in the blink of an eye.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei was hit by dozens of spine needles.
The extremely sharp spine needles pierced into Wei Xiaobei’s skin in an instant, but Wei Xiaobei’s muscles suddenly tensed up at this moment, and he clamped the spine needles piercing into the muscles, and then he stopped further. s damage.
Itchy and numb!
It’s not comfortable to have spinal needles sticking into your body.
Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to pay attention to this at this time, so he smashed his left fist towards the flesh wall below.
With a loud bang, Wei Xiaobei smashed a deep hole into the flesh wall below.
Wei Xiaobei casually put the black and silver sword into the storage ring, inserted his hands into the deep pit, and quickly dug down like a mole.
The hydralisks were still surrounding him and were waiting vigilantly. There was no doubt that as long as Wei Xiaobei dared to poke his head out from the pile of flesh and blood, he would be besieged by these hydralisks again the next moment.
Even in the following time, flying dragons, underground spiders and even several mammoth beasts all surrounded them. In short, they surrounded them completely.
But the brain worm seems to have been dealing with the human base for a long time, and his forehead is a little uncomfortable.
Just because those human soldiers couldn’t dig the ground didn’t mean that Wei Xiaobei couldn’t dig a tunnel to escape.
Just when the Cerebrates were withdrawing their troops from the vicinity of the human base, trying to kill the guys who had sneaked into the Zerg base, Wei Xiaobei jumped out from under the germ carpet a hundred meters away with a pale face.
What is strange is that the Zerg passing by him once again ignored his existence.
Wei Xiaobei sighed, this mental induction is indeed a good ability.
Just as activating the power burst twice in a short period of time would keep Wei Xiaobei’s physical strength in a weak state for a long time, the consequences of using mental induction twice in a row almost made Wei Xiaobei almost collapse.
Wei Xiaobei felt like an ordinary person who had been playing for three nights without sleeping, and felt that his energy was almost drained.
The only thing I was thankful for was that my body was not affected, but the mental burden also weakened my combat effectiveness.
Wei Xiaobei came to the middle of the two remaining nests and looked around.
Then he can only choose a brood nest. If he makes the wrong choice, Wei Xiaobei’s only option is to run away, and he won’t be able to come back in a short time.
/Thanks to the influence of the thick flesh wall of the brood, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t tell which brood the mindworm was hiding in.
Sensation from heaven?
In the Zerg base, Wei Xiaobei could feel all the Zerg and all the buildings observing him, but he couldn’t determine where the brain worms were.
At this time, more and more Z

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