will send people over soon to help the general. General, don’t worry.”

will send people over soon to help the general. General, don’t worry.”

Zhao Yun smiled, waved and left, leaving space for Wei Xiaobei and his wife.
Wei Xiaobei waited for a while and felt a little sad when he saw that the fiery red bird never came back. This guy just left like that?
Okay, maybe he’s really gone.
/After waiting for more than half an hour, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing returned to the tent. Regardless of whether the fiery red bird came back or not, they entered the tent and Wei Xiaobei took Tu Qingqing into his arms.
Well, this was not because Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt jealous, but instead: “Tell me! Why weren’t you angry and sad before?”
“Master Huohuang was joking with you, I knew it a long time ago.”
Well, this topic seems to be outdated.
“By the way, wife, what price does the adult ask for?”
To be honest, this is what Wei Xiaobei is most worried about. That flaming bird is just a naughty kid who hasn’t grown up yet. Who knows what kind of demands he will make?
Maybe you are already salivating over Tu Qingqing!
“This can’t be said.”
Tu Qingqing smiled, her face turned a little red, which made Wei Xiaobei uneasy.
“Don’t tell me? Well, I’ll let you know how powerful I am as a husband!”
/“Ah! Be gentle!”
Needless to say, no sound came from the tent, but everyone knew what was going on. It was just blocking the sound, which showed what was going on inside.
During this night, Wei Xiaobei fought more and more bravely. In the end, Tu Qingqing almost knelt down and begged for mercy, and Wei Xiaobei let him go.
In any case, being able to make his wife beg for mercy in that regard is the ultimate psychological satisfaction and enjoyment for any man.
The next day, Wei Xiaobei woke up and was greeted by Tu Qingqing’s stunning face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.
“What’s wrong?”
Wei Xiaobei felt a little uneasy for no reason. There was something wrong with Tu Qingqing’s face.
“Oh, I’ve been married to you for so long and I haven’t even visited my parents-in-law. It’s really unfilial.”
Tu Qingqing said this with some resentment.
Wei Xiaobei was a little stunned. Tu Qingqing’s words touched his heart.
Wei Xiaobei hasn’t told his parents about this yet.
It’s not that I’m embarrassed, I really don’t know what to say.
“Mom and Dad, I found a wife for you in the gray world.”
“Then why don’t you bring it back to show your parents?”
After keeping two words, Wei Xiaobei was at a loss. At that time, Wei Xiaobei had no way of bringing Tu Qingqing from the gray world to reality.
“Come back with me this time. Have you settled everything over there?”
Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and said, he just didn’t know if Tu Qingqing could fit into the storage ring.
“Well, I’ll be back soon, within three days at most.”
Tu Qingqing seemed a little excited after hearing Wei Xiaobei’s words, and immediately stood up. Before Wei Xiaobei could see the white snow clearly, he put on all his clothes, making Wei Xiaobei sigh.
After Tu Qingqing left, Wei Xiaobei went to the Chinese army

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