n, there is no trace of nuclear radiation here. Even if the most sophisticated radiation detector is used, there may not be any trace left.

n, there is no trace of nuclear radiation here. Even if the most sophisticated radiation detector is used, there may not be any trace left.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei had an idea in his mind.
There is no doubt that nuclear weapons are the biggest tumor created by mankind. How wonderful this world would be without nuclear weapons.
Wei Xiaobei immediately put this thought out of his mind. It is probably not easy to get close to any country’s nuclear weapons.
Just think about it, but then again, nuclear waste should be easier to access, or a nuclear power plant that has been abandoned and sealed?
Well, no matter what, Wei Xiaobei now needs a large amount of nuclear raw materials or nuclear waste to upgrade the altar of life!
Compared with aimlessly searching for treasures in the gray world to improve the altar of life, nuclear raw materials and nuclear waste are undoubtedly much easier to find.
Taking out his mobile phone and connecting to the Internet, Wei Xiaobei started searching on the Internet.
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant?
The nuclear power plant was the largest in Russia, but it was shut down eleven years ago after what is said to be the world’s worst nuclear accident.
According to official announcements, more than 7,000 people died from nuclear pollution in this nuclear accident.
The scope of its nuclear contamination has even spread to most of Europe.
With the nuclear power plant as the center, all the trees within a radius of seven kilometers withered, and the soil within thirty kilometers contained intense nuclear radiation. Even people who lived thirty kilometers away still suffered from the disease in the following few years. Various types of radiation sickness and even cancer have significantly increased the rate of deformities in the offspring of humans and domestic animals.
Of course, this nuclear power plant is also permanently sealed inside with massive amounts of concrete.
But having said that, there should be a lot of nuclear raw materials in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. You must know that it has a total of four units, and each unit is inserted with hundreds of nuclear fuel rods. At the same time, the nuclear power plant also has a certain amount of nuclear fuel reserves. .
This number is said to be 200 tons! There may also be a certain amount of nuclear waste.
The huge amount of nuclear fuel has turned into a no-man’s land and a large nuclear-contaminated area that makes people laugh. It has undoubtedly become Wei Xiaobei’s first choice!
However, the location of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is a bit far from Lesnia.
Wei Xiaobei drew on the map and found that the straight-line distance exceeded five thousand kilometers!
In the past, you could arrive directly by taking a passenger plane.
But now it’s more troublesome. The air route between China and Russia was closed just a month ago.
/The reason is that three consecutive passenger planes were attacked by monsters over Russia, causing them to fall and cause numerous casualties.
It is said that those monsters are som

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