ng struck the speedboat, and bang was the sound made by these guys falling on the deck after being hit by lightning. The boom that came again was the spectacular scene of flames after the speedboat’s fuel tank was detonated by lightning.

ng struck the speedboat, and bang was the sound made by these guys falling on the deck after being hit by lightning. The boom that came again was the spectacular scene of flames after the speedboat’s fuel tank was detonated by lightning.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the passenger ship shrank their necks. The captain’s back was soaked with cold sweat, but his heart also felt happy.
Although this scene looked scary, the pirates died after all, which relieved the captain of some worries.
The passenger ship had formed an arc at this time, trying to go around here, but not long after, a man on horseback rushed out of the storm.
It has to be said that everyone on the passenger ship who saw this scene, including the captain, doubted whether they were hallucinating!
What is a horse?
Its precise biological classification is Mammalia, Eutheria, Perissodactyla, Equus, Equus, Equinae, and the genus Equus!
A standard land animal!
Although horses can also swim, who has ever seen a horse running on the sea as well as on land?
This is just like a sow climbing a tree and a donkey climbing a tree.
Hallucination! An absolute hallucination!
Everyone looked at the horse that kept galloping over and rubbed their eyes involuntarily. When they put their hands down, well, the illusion disappeared, and the horse running on the sea disappeared.
It seems that it is indeed an illusion.
But what they never expected was that the next moment, a voice rang on the deck: “Where is the captain?!”
/Is anyone looking for the captain?
The captain poked his head out from the wheelhouse and saw a man riding a horse on the bow deck, shouting loudly.
Isn’t this the same horse that ran on the sea before?
“no one?”
The guy seemed to have a bad temper. After seeing that there was no response on the ship after he barked a few times, he lightly patted the horse’s head. The white horse under his crotch then raised its hind hooves and then hit the deck. Go down.
A dull sound came, and in full view of everyone, the white horse actually stepped out of a big hole in the thick deck!
This deck is not made of wood like in the Age of Discovery, but of proper marine deck steel!
Although this is only a passenger ship and not a battleship, its deck steel is still twelve centimeters thick!
Are you hallucinating again?
And auditory hallucinations?
But this time, no matter how they rubbed their eyes or hit their heads, they couldn’t make the scene in front of them disappear.
Eventually, they had to admit that this was real.
Then, panic began to set in. There was no doubt that the horse under this man’s crotch could actually kick a hole in the deck steel, which was beyond their imagination.
Existences like this are probably more terrifying than those pirates.
This passenger ship was taken over by this Baima Yicong. In the next time, this passenger ship will not be allowed to contact the outside world. At the same time, under the supervision of Baima Yicong, the captain had to carefully drive the passenger ship in. The storm-shrouded sea finally

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