said that, with the downhill equipment, it will be much easier for these ordinary people to break into other buildings.

said that, with the downhill equipment, it will be much easier for these ordinary people to break into other buildings.

You know, although the guns in the hands of those lobster soldiers are not weak, the number is close to a thousand, and they seem to have some learning ability. They know how to hide in the building and shoot outside, but they have no idea that in modern warfare, occupying a defensive building What is the most important thing about the building.
The roof of the building is the most important. Once the roof is broken into, the defenders in the building will be in danger.
Common people were not very good at using downhill equipment at first, preferring to climb buildings with their own hands.
But after some instruction from the American soldiers, ordinary people quickly learned the skiing skills. By building a zipline between the two buildings and hanging it with a special pulley, they could descend with only a small height difference. Sliding towards several nearby buildings.
The battle that follows does not require much description.
The guns in the hands of those lobster soldiers are indeed powerful, but they are more suitable for open plains, rather than in buildings filled with various rooms.
After the common people slid down to the roof of the opposite building, they cleared all the way down from the roof. Whenever they encountered the lobster soldiers, they rushed towards them and fought them at close range.
After about two hours, the battle in Alexandria was completely over.
The final count of the battle results showed that 927 lobster soldiers were killed, while 27 ordinary people suffered losses, and more than ten people were injured.
Fortunately for Wei Xiaobei, although those ordinary people with independent consciousness were more or less injured, none of them died.
As for other ordinary people, before they have independent consciousness, they are completely machines controlled by Wei Xiaobei. As long as they don’t die too many, Wei Xiaobei won’t feel any heartache.
Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei still had a sad expression on his face, so that the garrison commander felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort Wei Xiaobei: “Hey, man, they are real Soldiers, God will definitely connect them to heaven, right?”
“Yes, they are real warriors”
Under the comfort of the garrison commander, Wei Xiaobei seemed less sad.
After the report of this battle was sent to the Hexagon and even the Office of the President, the top leaders of the United States suddenly felt relieved.
The people on Weijia Island are not all that scary.
/Of course, they pay more attention to the results of the battle and the battle losses of these guys on Weijiadao.
They feel very satisfied with the current situation.
It can not only continuously drain the blood of Weijia Island, but also destroy the monsters that keep appearing in the country. It can be said to be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.
As for the price, it’s just some banknotes.
What is money to these top ex

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