initially slow, but as space debris continues to integrate into real space, the speed becomes faster and faster.

initially slow, but as space debris continues to integrate into real space, the speed becomes faster and faster.

When the last few space cracks disappeared, the small desert island returned.
Of course, the current small desert island is completely different from the previous one, as if it had been cut into many small pieces, disrupted, and then glued together again.
For example, its overall shape is uneven and extremely weird. Some places are cooling magma, while others are beaches, and some places have turned into small lakes, which were formed after the seawater in part of the space debris was released.
As for the rocks, they are even different in different places. Some are half granite and half basalt, some are soil below and rock above, etc.
/In short, anyone who sees this island will wonder if it is a prank.
The space fragments and cracks had completely disappeared. Wei Xiaobei closed his eyes, and the blood vessels on his forehead immediately bulged. In his four minds, there were all kinds of memories, geometric figures, even the previous space creation, space fragmentation, etc. A series of things are rapidly appearing and disappearing.
After a while, Wei Xiaobei slowly opened his eyes and sighed softly.
For Wei Xiaobei now, there are both joys and sorrows!
Fortunately, after I conducted this experiment, my understanding of space has undoubtedly improved a lot. Although I am still in the introductory stage, I am much better than before.
Sadly, my understanding of space has improved so much, but I have no experimental materials to confirm some of my ideas.
But this gray boundary stone is not so easy to find.
It has been almost three years since Wei Xiaobei entered the Gray Realm, and he has only found two Gray Realm stones during this period.
This shows how difficult it is to obtain the Gray Boundary Stone.
Of course, there is nothing that can replace this gray boundary stone.
For example, a storage ring.
Wei Xiaobei had observed the storage ring. The storage space of the storage ring was actually a miniature space after finalization.
But after gritting his teeth and thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei gave up his plan to experiment with the storage ring.
Do not make jokes.
Not to mention whether the storage space of this storage ring can really be used for experiments, if this storage ring is damaged, Wei Xiaobei will really cry without tears.
With a little excitement but more of frustration, Wei Xiaobei returned to Weijia Island.
As soon as he stepped into his villa, Wei Xiaobei saw several of his apprentices and even individual soldiers waiting in the living room.
Seeing Wei Xiaobei come in, a group of people gathered around him. The disciples were concerned about whether their master was okay, while the single soldier was licking his face and smiling.
“Come one by one.”
Wei Xiaobei was a little tired. He found a seat and called Zhu Xinyi over: “What happened? So many people came here?”
Zhu Xinyi’s answer was that several European ambassadors came to discuss business.
“You just have t

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