Wei Xiaobei would not be able to recognize it as Long Bo’s people.

Wei Xiaobei would not be able to recognize it as Long Bo’s people.

At this time, his whole body was completely charred and black, and he lay quietly on the seabed, like a black undersea mountain range.
not dead.
Through the spiritual connection, Wei Xiaobei seemed to be possessed by an octopus, using the eyes of the octopus to look at the extremely charred Long Bo people.
The people of Long Bo at this time can probably be described as dying.
A thick layer of carbon powder was scattered around the bodies of Long Bo’s people lying on the seabed.
There was almost no movement in its entire body. Wei Xiaobei manipulated the octopus to step forward and gently tapped the soles of Long Bo’s people. Following the tapping, a slight layer of black carbon particles began to float in the sea water.
From the slight vibrations transmitted from the soles of his feet, Wei Xiaobei could tell that at least six meters thick was carbonized just where he said he struck.
If the large amount of toner scattered around them was taken into account, the injuries to Long Bo’s people were beyond Wei Xiaobei’s imagination.
/Just based on this carbonization ratio, it’s like more than half of the flesh and blood of an ordinary human being is carbonized!
What a terrifying ratio!
Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei knew that Long Bo’s people were still not dead.
Under the thick carbon layer, the extremely vigorous blood of Long Bo’s people was still flowing slowly.
To be honest, after feeling all this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but marvel at the strong vitality of Long Bo’s people.
Extreme heat failed to kill it.
After the flow of sea water weakened the radiation in this area a lot, Wei Xiaobei quietly arrived at the people of Long Bo along the seabed.
/Once here, Wei Xiaobei could feel the strength of Long Bo’s people, but he could also feel the weakness of Long Bo’s people.
It can be said that if Long Bo’s people had 10,000 qi and blood when they were at their peak, now, their qi and blood have been depleted to only two thousand.
Indeed, it is imaginable how much energy and blood it would take to resist the damage caused by those fifteen neutron bombs.
Wei Xiaobei could accurately judge that Long Bo’s people were indeed on the verge of death at this time!
Although it is slowly recovering with its strong vitality, it no longer has the power to resist!
Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but show a hint of joy on his face.
He was seducing and running for his life, for what reason?
Isn’t it just to capture the people of Long Bo? !
Although it was not Wei Xiaobei himself who had brought Long Bo’s people to a near-death state this time, it was not Wei Xiaobei’s calculation to lure them here and force the United States to take action.
I need to speed up.
Wei Xiaobei had seen many warships flying the American flag approaching through the octopuses deployed in the surrounding waters.
Obviously, at this time, the United States must know whether the people of Long Bo are dead or alive. Therefore, as long as the radiation i

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