the Chinese Parliament held another plenary session. Research this matter.

the Chinese Parliament held another plenary session. Research this matter.

But just when the Chinese Parliament was holding a plenary session to study the matter, the spatial passages leading to the Aoki Blessed Land were opened outside the Chinese border, in places crowded with foreigners.
And there are more than a dozen metal clones of Wei Xiaobei standing outside the entrance of each space passage. They will be responsible for answering the questions of those foreigners.
/At the same time, in important landmark squares and other places in large and medium-sized cities across China, the entrances to space passages were also opened, and Wei Xiaobei’s metal clone was also standing there.
/“What is that? Oh, God!”
“I don’t know. Can I ask?”
A foreigner dragging a suitcase bravely walked over, and all the eyes of the thousands of people present were fixed on him.
To put it bluntly, this foreigner is like a lab rat, and everyone else is looking at him, wanting to know what will happen to him.
“Stop! This is the space entrance to Qingmu Paradise. Anyone who wants to immigrate needs to sign an agreement!”
A clone of Wei Xiaobei stopped the foreigner from approaching and took out an agreement for the other party to sign.
To be honest, facing the mysterious future, this foreigner was indeed very courageous. He took the agreement and read the contents.
This agreement is actually very simple. It contains some precautions for living in Aoki Paradise, as well as your name, age, nationality, etc. Finally, it is a guarantee letter to ensure that you will not Will do some things that endanger Aoki Blessed Land.
The foreigner signed the agreement readily, and the clone immediately stamped a strange seal on the agreement and handed it back to the foreigner, indicating that the other party could enter.
“Can I really go in?”
The foreigner seemed a little surprised. After receiving the verbal permission, he happily rushed towards the entrance of the space and finally disappeared into reality.
Seeing the foreigner entering the space entrance, the other foreigners became inexplicably excited. In any case, they were now forced to go to Huashan. Their country was in ruins, monsters were everywhere, and there were monsters everywhere. It’s dangerous. Just having no food is enough to kill them!
Therefore, even if the Aoki Blessed Land is not as beautiful as advertised, is it still more dangerous and unsafe than our own country?
“Sir, can my two children and I enter?”
Finally, a woman holding one in her hands and one behind her came to Wei Xiaobei’s clone and asked in a slightly nervous tone.
“No problem, those with children can stay in our city first!”
Wei Xiaobei looked at the two children separately and made this decision.
After the woman signed the agreement, a clone accompanied her into the Aoki Paradise.
In the following time, most of the people who entered Aoki Paradise were women with children, and of course there were a small number of men.
However, as time goes by, it is not always so peaceful and smooth.

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