ight Lord. A considerable part of it was condensing towards the heart in his hand, and even a layer of life grew outside the heart. Thin meat membrane.

ight Lord. A considerable part of it was condensing towards the heart in his hand, and even a layer of life grew outside the heart. Thin meat membrane.

Finally, all the life in the body of the Hundred-Armed Dark Night Lord dissipated, but before the vitality completely dissipated, the Hundred-Armed Lord of Dark Night uttered the most vicious curse in his life towards Wei Xiaobei!
The general idea is that he will be reborn in Wei Xiaobei and so on.
Well, Wei Xiaobei didn’t care or worry about this. In fact, at the same time that the Hundred-Armed Dark Night Lord issued his curse, Wei Xiaobei felt a strange power coming from the Hundred-Armed Dark Night Lord.
/This power is somewhat similar to the Curse Power of Pen Immortal and Dish Immortal that Wei Xiaobei had come into contact with before, but it is much weaker.
It attempted to pass through the golden light of merit covering Wei Xiaobei’s body and invade Wei Xiaobei’s body.
But as I said before, the golden light of merit can resist any external evil force, not to mention that the power of this curse is not even comparable to those of the Pen Immortal and the Disk Immortal, so there is no way that the golden light of merit can penetrate it.
Therefore, after the penetration failed, the power of the curse turned and penetrated into the heart and disappeared.
As the power of the curse penetrated, the changes in the heart immediately became violent.
Layers of fleshy membranes continued to grow, covering the heart, gradually forming a fleshy ball.
In fact, at this time, the prototype of the Hundred-Armed Dark Night Lord’s desire to be reborn from this heart can already be seen.
A stiff face has appeared on the flesh ball, which is exactly the same as the face of the hundred-armed black night lord, and there is no difference in the slightest.
/When Wei Xiaobei saw this, he had to sigh. These false gods who rely on divinity and faith to exist more or less have some tricks to save their lives. These tricks will not even appear on the attribute table. come out.
Of course, this was not a good time to study the Hundred-Armed Black Night Lord, so Wei Xiaobei ruthlessly peeled off the meat ball covering the heart, and then put the heart into the storage ring.
After doing this, Wei Xiaobei did not stay here, but his body shook slightly. The next moment, countless light and heat spurted out from his pores, turning himself into a huge fireball.
When the huge fireball dissipated, there were two Wei Xiaobei.
There is no doubt that one of them is Wei Xiaobei’s true body, while the other is his clone.
Wei Xiaobei’s real body ordered to the other Wei Xiaobei: “You continue to investigate and clean up the matter here, and I will harvest the divinity.”
Wei Xiaobei’s clone waved his hand, looking a little impatient: “Main body, I got it, go ahead, stop being so verbose, like a little old man.”
Hearing the clone’s answer, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but look embarrassed. The clone’s answer was something he didn’t expect.
However, it seems that the personality of this avatar

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