o appear in Suzaku’s body.

o appear in Suzaku’s body.

Western white tiger
When it was finally Dongfang Qinglong’s turn, Dongfang Qinglong had already seen the tragic experiences of the three previous companions, and was naturally unwilling to give Wei Xiaobei a chance. The huge body shook, and in an instant it turned into countless people suspended in the air. The vines strangled the tree roots drilled out of the space passage in the opposite direction, and they had great momentum to counterattack the Aoki Paradise!
But the problem is that the figure of Dongfang Qinglong has faded to an almost phantom state at this time. As a result, these countless vines look murderous and swallow up thousands of miles, but as soon as they encountered the roots of the World Tree, they were instantly defeated and divided. The tree roots that came out kept swallowing them up!
Wei Xiaobei had returned to the giant spirit god at this time and lifted it up. There was no doubt that this giant spirit god was his biggest gain before, and he could not let it escape.
After the World Tree reached the roots of the real world and swallowed up all the four divine beasts, Wei Xiaobei faintly felt the burping sound coming from the World Tree!
I am full?
This actually surprised Wei Xiaobei.
You must know that the four divine beasts were originally in a state of dissipation, and they continued to dissipate when the World Tree swallowed them. Therefore, even if the World Tree wiped out all the four divine beasts, it would only be able to swallow 30% of the starlight power.
But it was this 30% starlight power that shocked World Tree, which had never been satisfied before!
This shows how strong the starlight power that makes up the four divine beasts is.
Of course, this is not surprising.
After all, the four mythical beasts are formed from the light of the stars in the sky. There are more than two thousand stars, large and small, and each star is actually equivalent to a world!
Although these four-dimensional beasts are just condensed starlight, it also means that they possess part of the power of more than two thousand worlds!
As a result, it is normal for the World Tree in Aoki Blessed Land to be a little full.
“That’s all.”
Wei Xiaobei walked through the space passage, entered the Azure Wood Paradise, and threw the giant spirit god under the World Tree.
The giant spirit god was wrapped in countless tree roots in an instant.
Obviously, World Tree is full at this time, and it is temporarily impossible to eat again.
But the giant spirit god, World Tree, did not give up, but bound and wrapped it as a reserve of food.
Sitting cross-legged on the crown of the World Tree, surrounded by birds and flowers, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on the edge of the Greenwood Paradise.
After the World Tree is full, its effect on the growth of the Aoki Blessed Land will reach its peak.
/At every moment, large tracts of land, mountains, lakes and even oceans would appear on the edge of the Aoki Paradise.
In the one month that Wei Xiaobei had been in the real world, the diameter of th

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