oric”, why haven’t you seen the Literary and Art Association vigorously promote it?”

oric”, why haven’t you seen the Literary and Art Association vigorously promote it?”

“Not to mention that this propaganda is done by Yinlan Library, even if it is the old thief’s own intention, so what?”
“I also laughed. The literary world’s evaluation of “The Great Desolation” has not reached the level of a masterpiece, but the old thief’s fairy tale is a must-read for Blue Star students, and it will also be read by people hundreds of years later!”
Don’t look at Chu Kuang’s fans calling him “old thieves” one after another.
In fact, in the minds of this group of fans, Chu Kuang’s status is very high!
They can criticize Chu and write Baguio to death and Poirot to death, but that is their own family’s business.
/The prehistoric fans are not from my own family!
This group of people are criticizing Chu Kuang, and Chu Kuang’s fans won’t tolerate it!
For a time, the Internet became a battlefield between Honghuang fans and Chu Kuang fans!
Countless social platforms such as forums, post bars, and Moments are all competition between the two sides.
at the same time.
Controversy arose among the onlookers.
And as things intensified, Xianyu’s fans finally couldn’t bear it anymore.
“Chu Kuang seems to be working with Honghuang fans?”
“I took a look, and there seem to be a lot of fans of the Ancient World.”
“The Prehistoric Series has been developing for so many years, and there are countless surrounding cultures. It is normal to have many fans, because those people are no longer fans of a certain author, but fans of the prehistoric culture.”
“What are you waiting for?”
“Going to support the friendly forces.”
“The relationship between Chu Kuang and Yu Daddy cannot be justified unless we help him.”
“There is no need to wait for Mr. Yu to speak. As a public figure, Mr. Fish cannot speak out. We have to take the initiative.”
“When it came to the couplet thing, Chu Kuang and Yu Daddy did a lot to protect each other.”
A few hours later, Xianyu fans actually joined the scolding war on a large scale!
And that night.
Shadow fans also took action!
Don’t forget, the author of the comics of “Net King” is Shadow!
Everyone knows the relationship between Shadow and Chu Kuang.
The three gay friends have linked up more than once. Who doesn’t know that these three people have a good relationship?
So even if Shadow didn’t say anything, Shadow’s fans took the initiative to speak for Chu Kuang.
Not to mention
This group of prehistoric fans also scolded “King of Nets” as worthless.
Shadow, the author of the comic version, was bombarded by the map.
It was like a pile of dry gunpowder that suddenly encountered flames, and the entire network was immediately enveloped and exploded!
For a while.
Silver Blue Library was caught off guard!
The person in charge of the promotional copywriting for “Journey to the West” turned pale with fright
Chu Kuang’s new book promotions have always been very domineering.
This is Chu Kuang’s usual starting point for new books.
Who knew that this time, Honghuang Mi would be angered!

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